package org.opentrafficsim.demo.geometry; import java.awt.Color; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.naming.NamingException; import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException; import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface; import org.djunits.unit.TimeUnit; import org.djunits.unit.UNITS; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.DoubleScalar.Abs; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.DoubleScalar.Rel; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed; import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSModelInterface; import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimTimeDouble; import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimulatorInterface; import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSGeometryException; import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSLine3D; import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSPoint3D; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** *

* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License. *

* $LastChangedDate$, @version $Revision$, by $Author$, * initial version ct 17, 2014
* @author Alexander Verbraeck */ /** */ public class TestModel implements OTSModelInterface, UNITS { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** simulator. */ private OTSSimulatorInterface simulator; /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final void constructModel(final SimulatorInterface, Rel, OTSSimTimeDouble> pSimulator) throws SimRuntimeException, RemoteException { this.simulator = (OTSSimulatorInterface) pSimulator; // create a small graph and a road around it. try { OTSNode n0 = new OTSNode("N0", new OTSPoint3D(-25.0, 0.0)); OTSNode n1 = new OTSNode("N1", new OTSPoint3D(0.0, 0.0)); CrossSectionLink l01 = new CrossSectionLink("L01", n0, n1, LinkType.ALL, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{ new OTSPoint3D(-25.0, 0.0), new OTSPoint3D(0.0, 0.0)}), LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_BOTH, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEP_RIGHT); OTSNode n2 = new OTSNode("N2", new OTSPoint3D(25.0, 20.0)); CrossSectionLink l12 = new CrossSectionLink("L12", n1, n2, LinkType.ALL, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{ new OTSPoint3D(0.0, 0.0), new OTSPoint3D(25.0, 20.0)}), LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_BOTH, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEP_RIGHT); OTSNode n3 = new OTSNode("N3", new OTSPoint3D(50.0, 0.0)); CrossSectionLink l23 = new CrossSectionLink("L23", n2, n3, LinkType.ALL, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{ new OTSPoint3D(25.0, 20.0), new OTSPoint3D(50.0, 0.0)}), LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_BOTH, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEP_RIGHT); OTSNode n4 = new OTSNode("N4", new OTSPoint3D(75.0, -20.0)); CrossSectionLink l34 = new CrossSectionLink("L34", n3, n4, LinkType.ALL, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{ new OTSPoint3D(50.0, 0.0), new OTSPoint3D(75.0, -20.0)}), LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_BOTH, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEP_RIGHT); OTSNode n5 = new OTSNode("N5", new OTSPoint3D(100.0, 0.0)); CrossSectionLink l45 = new CrossSectionLink("L45", n4, n5, LinkType.ALL, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{ new OTSPoint3D(75.0, -20.0), new OTSPoint3D(100.0, 0.0)}), LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_BOTH, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEP_RIGHT); OTSNode n6 = new OTSNode("N6", new OTSPoint3D(125.0, 0.0)); CrossSectionLink l56 = new CrossSectionLink("L56", n5, n6, LinkType.ALL, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{ new OTSPoint3D(100.0, 0.0), new OTSPoint3D(125.0, 0.0)}), LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_BOTH, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEP_RIGHT); OTSNode n7 = new OTSNode("N7", new OTSPoint3D(300.0, 0.0)); CrossSectionLink l67 = new CrossSectionLink("L67", n6, n7, LinkType.ALL, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{ new OTSPoint3D(125.0, 0.0), new OTSPoint3D(150.0, 0.0), new OTSPoint3D(175.0, 20.0), new OTSPoint3D(200.0, 0.0), new OTSPoint3D(225.0, -20.0), new OTSPoint3D(250.0, 0.0), new OTSPoint3D(300.0, 0.0)}), LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_BOTH, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEP_RIGHT); add2x2Lanes(l01); add2x2Lanes(l12); add2x2Lanes(l23); add2x2Lanes(l34); add2x2Lanes(l45); add2x2Lanes(l56); add2x2Lanes(l67); } catch (NetworkException | OTSGeometryException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } /** * The road is as follows; The design line goes from left to right. * *

     * ----------------------- +9.50
     * SSSSS Shoulder SL SSSSS +9.00 (width = 1.0)
     * ----------------------- +8.50
     * EEEEE Emergency ELL EEE +8.25 (width = 0.5)
     * ----------------------- +8.00
     * LLLLL Lane L1 LLLLLLLLL +6.25 (width = 3.5)
     * ----------------------- +4.50
     * LLLLL Lane L2 LLLLLLLLL +2.75 (width = 3.5)
     * ----------------------- +1.00
     * EEEEE Emergency ELM EEE +0.75 (width = 0.5)
     * ----------------------- +0.50
     * SSSSS Shoulder SM SSSSS +0.00 (width = 1.0)
     * ----------------------- -0.50
     * EEEEE Emergency ERM EEE -0.75 (width = 0.5)
     * ----------------------- -1.00
     * LLLLL Lane R2 LLLLLLLLL -2.75 (width = 3.5)
     * ----------------------- -4.50
     * LLLLL Lane R1 LLLLLLLLL -6.25 (width = 3.5)
     * ----------------------- -8.00
     * EEEEE Emergency ERR EEE -8.25 (width = 0.5)
     * ----------------------- -8.50
     * SSSSS Shoulder SR SSSSS -9.00 (width = 1.0)
     * ----------------------- -9.50
* *
* @param link link. * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency * @throws OTSGeometryException on network inconsistency */ private void add2x2Lanes(final CrossSectionLink link) throws NetworkException, OTSGeometryException { // four lanes, grass underneath, lines between lane1-2 and lane 2-3, barrier between lane 2-3 // lane is 3.5 meters wide. gap between 3-4 is one meter. outside 0.5 meters on both sides Length.Rel m05 = new Length.Rel(0.5, METER); Length.Rel m10 = new Length.Rel(1.0, METER); Length.Rel m35 = new Length.Rel(3.5, METER); Speed speedLimit = new Speed(100, KM_PER_HOUR); Shoulder sL = new Shoulder(link, "sL", new Length.Rel(9.0, METER), m10); Lane laneELL = new NoTrafficLane(link, "ELL", new Length.Rel(8.25, METER), new Length.Rel(8.25, METER), m05, m05); Lane laneL1 = new Lane(link, "L1", new Length.Rel(6.25, METER), new Length.Rel(6.25, METER), m35, m35, null, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_MINUS, speedLimit, new OvertakingConditions.LeftAndRight()); Lane laneL2 = new Lane(link, "L2", new Length.Rel(2.75, METER), new Length.Rel(2.75, METER), m35, m35, null, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_MINUS, speedLimit, new OvertakingConditions.LeftAndRight()); Lane laneELM = new NoTrafficLane(link, "ELM", new Length.Rel(0.75, METER), new Length.Rel(0.75, METER), m05, m05); Shoulder sM = new Shoulder(link, "sM", new Length.Rel(0.0, METER), m10); Lane laneERM = new NoTrafficLane(link, "ERM", new Length.Rel(-0.75, METER), new Length.Rel(-0.75, METER), m05, m05); Lane laneR2 = new Lane(link, "R2", new Length.Rel(-2.75, METER), new Length.Rel(-2.75, METER), m35, m35, null, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_PLUS, speedLimit, new OvertakingConditions.LeftAndRight()); Lane laneR1 = new Lane(link, "R1", new Length.Rel(-6.25, METER), new Length.Rel(-6.25, METER), m35, m35, null, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_PLUS, speedLimit, new OvertakingConditions.LeftAndRight()); Lane laneERR = new NoTrafficLane(link, "ERR", new Length.Rel(-8.25, METER), new Length.Rel(-8.25, METER), m05, m05); Shoulder sR = new Shoulder(link, "sR", new Length.Rel(-9.0, METER), m10); try { new LaneAnimation(laneELL, this.simulator, Color.GRAY, false); new LaneAnimation(laneL1, this.simulator, Color.GRAY, false); new LaneAnimation(laneL2, this.simulator, Color.GRAY, false); new LaneAnimation(laneELM, this.simulator, Color.GRAY, false); new LaneAnimation(laneERM, this.simulator, Color.GRAY, false); new LaneAnimation(laneR2, this.simulator, Color.GRAY, false); new LaneAnimation(laneR1, this.simulator, Color.GRAY, false); new LaneAnimation(laneERR, this.simulator, Color.GRAY, false); new ShoulderAnimation(sL, this.simulator, Color.GREEN); new ShoulderAnimation(sM, this.simulator, Color.GREEN); new ShoulderAnimation(sR, this.simulator, Color.GREEN); } catch (NamingException | RemoteException ne) { // } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final SimulatorInterface, Rel, OTSSimTimeDouble> getSimulator() throws RemoteException { return this.simulator; } }