package org.opentrafficsim.demo.lanechange; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList; import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException; import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.gui.swing.TablePanel; import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface; import org.djunits.unit.TimeUnit; import org.djunits.unit.UNITS; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.DoubleScalar; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.DoubleScalar.Abs; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.event.PlotChangeEvent; import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import; import; import; import; import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSModelInterface; import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimTimeDouble; import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSGeometryException; import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSPoint3D; import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUDirectionality; import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException; import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUType; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.driver.LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LanePerceptionFull; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.GTUFollowingModel; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.HeadwayGTU; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.IDM; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.IDMPlus; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.lanechangemobil.Altruistic; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.lanechangemobil.Egoistic; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.lanechangemobil.LaneChangeModel; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.lanechangemobil.LaneMovementStep; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.strategical.LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner; import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.strategical.route.LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner; import; import; import; import; import org.opentrafficsim.simulationengine.SimpleSimulator; /** * Create a plot that characterizes a lane change graph. *

* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License. *

* $LastChangedDate$, @version $Revision$, by $Author$, * initial version 18 nov. 2014
* @author Peter Knoppers */ public class LaneChangeGraph extends JFrame implements OTSModelInterface, UNITS { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 20141118L; /** Standard speed values in km/h. */ static final double[] STANDARDSPEEDS = {30, 50, 80, 100, 120}; /** The car following model. */ private GTUFollowingModel carFollowingModel; /** The graphs. */ private ChartPanel[][] charts; /** Start of two lane road. */ private static final Length.Rel LOWERBOUND = new Length.Rel(-500, METER); /** Position of reference vehicle on the two lane road. */ private static final Length.Rel MIDPOINT = new Length.Rel(0, METER); /** End of two lane road. */ private static final Length.Rel UPPERBOUND = new Length.Rel(500, METER); /** The JFrame with the lane change graphs. */ private static LaneChangeGraph lcs; /** network. */ private OTSNetwork network = new OTSNetwork("network"); /** * Create a Lane Change Graph. * @param title String; title text of the window * @param mainPanel JPanel; panel that will (indirectly?) contain the charts */ LaneChangeGraph(final String title, final JPanel mainPanel) { super(title); setContentPane(mainPanel); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.charts = new ChartPanel[2][STANDARDSPEEDS.length]; } /** * Main entry point; now Swing thread safe (I hope). * @param args String[]; the command line arguments (not used) * @throws GTUException on error during GTU construction * @throws SimRuntimeException on ??? * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency * @throws NamingException on ??? * @throws OTSGeometryException */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws NamingException, NetworkException, SimRuntimeException, GTUException, OTSGeometryException { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { buildGUI(args); } catch (NamingException | NetworkException | SimRuntimeException | GTUException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } }); } catch (InvocationTargetException | InterruptedException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } for (int row = 0; row < lcs.charts.length; row++) { LaneChangeModel laneChangeModel = 0 == row ? new Egoistic() : new Altruistic(); for (int index = 0; index < STANDARDSPEEDS.length; index++) { Speed speed = new Speed(STANDARDSPEEDS[index], KM_PER_HOUR); // System.out.println("speed " + speed); double startSpeedDifference = -30; // standardSpeeds[index]; double endSpeedDifference = startSpeedDifference + 60; // 150; ChartData data = (ChartData) lcs.charts[row][index].getChart().getXYPlot().getDataset(); int beginRightKey = data.addSeries("Begin of no lane change to right"); int endRightKey = data.addSeries("End of no lane change to right"); int beginLeftKey = data.addSeries("Begin of no lane change to left"); int endLeftKey = data.addSeries("End of no lane change to left"); for (double speedDifference = startSpeedDifference; speedDifference <= endSpeedDifference; speedDifference += 1) { Length.Rel criticalHeadway = lcs.findDecisionPoint(LaneChangeGraph.LOWERBOUND, MIDPOINT, speed, new Speed(speedDifference, KM_PER_HOUR), laneChangeModel, true); if (null != criticalHeadway) { data.addXYPair(beginRightKey, speedDifference, criticalHeadway.getInUnit(METER)); } criticalHeadway = lcs.findDecisionPoint(MIDPOINT, LaneChangeGraph.UPPERBOUND, speed, new Speed(speedDifference, KM_PER_HOUR), laneChangeModel, true); if (null != criticalHeadway) { data.addXYPair(endRightKey, speedDifference, criticalHeadway.getInUnit(METER)); } criticalHeadway = lcs.findDecisionPoint(LaneChangeGraph.LOWERBOUND, MIDPOINT, speed, new Speed(speedDifference, KM_PER_HOUR), laneChangeModel, false); if (null != criticalHeadway) { data.addXYPair(beginLeftKey, speedDifference, criticalHeadway.getInUnit(METER)); } else { lcs.findDecisionPoint(LaneChangeGraph.LOWERBOUND, MIDPOINT, speed, new Speed(speedDifference, KM_PER_HOUR), laneChangeModel, false); } criticalHeadway = lcs.findDecisionPoint(MIDPOINT, LaneChangeGraph.UPPERBOUND, speed, new Speed(speedDifference, KM_PER_HOUR), laneChangeModel, false); if (null != criticalHeadway) { data.addXYPair(endLeftKey, speedDifference, criticalHeadway.getInUnit(METER)); } Plot plot = lcs.charts[row][index].getChart().getPlot(); plot.notifyListeners(new PlotChangeEvent(plot)); } } } } /** * Then execution start point. * @param args String[]; the command line arguments (not used) * @throws NamingException on ??? * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency * @throws SimRuntimeException on ??? * @throws GTUException on error during GTU construction */ public static void buildGUI(final String[] args) throws NamingException, NetworkException, SimRuntimeException, GTUException { JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); lcs = new LaneChangeGraph("Lane change graphs", mainPanel); TablePanel chartsPanel = new TablePanel(STANDARDSPEEDS.length, 2); mainPanel.add(chartsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); for (int index = 0; index < STANDARDSPEEDS.length; index++) { lcs.charts[0][index] = new ChartPanel(lcs.createChart( String.format("Egoistic reference car at %.0fkm/h", STANDARDSPEEDS[index]), STANDARDSPEEDS[index])); chartsPanel.setCell(lcs.charts[0][index], index, 0); } for (int index = 0; index < STANDARDSPEEDS.length; index++) { lcs.charts[1][index] = new ChartPanel( lcs.createChart(String.format("Altruistic reference car at %.0fkm/h", STANDARDSPEEDS[index]), STANDARDSPEEDS[index])); chartsPanel.setCell(lcs.charts[1][index], index, 1); } lcs.pack(); lcs.setExtendedState(Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); lcs.setVisible(true); } /** * Find the headway at which the decision to merge right changes. * @param low minimum headway to consider * @param high maximum headway to consider * @param referenceSpeed Speed; speed of the reference car * @param speedDifference Speed; speed of the other car minus speed of the reference car * @param laneChangeModel LaneChangeModel; the lane change model to apply * @param mergeRight boolean; if true; merge right is tested; if false; merge left is tested * @return Length.Rel * @throws NamingException on ??? * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency * @throws SimRuntimeException on ??? * @throws GTUException on error during GTU construction * @throws OTSGeometryException */ private Length.Rel findDecisionPoint(Length.Rel low, Length.Rel high, final Speed referenceSpeed, final Speed speedDifference, final LaneChangeModel laneChangeModel, final boolean mergeRight) throws NamingException, NetworkException, SimRuntimeException, GTUException, OTSGeometryException { // Set up the network GTUType gtuType = GTUType.makeGTUType("car"); LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane"); laneType.addCompatibility(gtuType); final Speed speedLimit = new Speed(120, KM_PER_HOUR); Lane[] lanes = LaneFactory.makeMultiLane("Road with two lanes", new OTSNode("From", new OTSPoint3D(LOWERBOUND.getSI(), 0, 0)), new OTSNode("To", new OTSPoint3D(UPPERBOUND.getSI(), 0, 0)), null, 2, laneType, speedLimit, null, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_PLUS); // Create the reference vehicle Set initialLongitudinalPositions = new LinkedHashSet<>(1); initialLongitudinalPositions.add(new DirectedLanePosition(lanes[mergeRight ? 0 : 1], new Length.Rel(0, METER), GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS)); // The reference car only needs a simulator // But that needs a model (which this class implements) SimpleSimulator simpleSimulator = new SimpleSimulator(new Time.Abs(0.0, SECOND), new Time.Rel(0.0, SECOND), new Time.Rel(3600.0, SECOND), this); this.carFollowingModel = new IDMPlus(new Acceleration(1, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Acceleration(1.5, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Length.Rel(2, METER), new Time.Rel(1, SECOND), 1d); this.carFollowingModel = new IDM(new Acceleration(1, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Acceleration(1.5, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Length.Rel( 2, METER), new Time.Rel(1, SECOND), 1d); LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics drivingCharacteristics = new LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics(this.carFollowingModel, laneChangeModel); LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner strategicalPlanner = new LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner(drivingCharacteristics, new LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner()); LaneBasedIndividualCar referenceCar = new LaneBasedIndividualCar("ReferenceCar", gtuType, initialLongitudinalPositions, referenceSpeed, new Length.Rel(4, METER), new Length.Rel(2, METER), new Speed(150, KM_PER_HOUR), simpleSimulator, strategicalPlanner, new LanePerceptionFull(),; Collection sameLaneGTUs = new LinkedHashSet(); sameLaneGTUs .add(new HeadwayGTU(referenceCar.getId(), referenceCar.getVelocity(), 0, referenceCar.getGTUType())); // TODO play with the speed limit // TODO play with the preferredLaneRouteIncentive LaneMovementStep lowResult = computeLaneChange(referenceCar, sameLaneGTUs, speedLimit, laneChangeModel, low, lanes[1], speedDifference, mergeRight); LaneMovementStep highResult = computeLaneChange(referenceCar, sameLaneGTUs, speedLimit, laneChangeModel, high, lanes[1], speedDifference, mergeRight); Length.Rel mid = null; if (lowResult.getLaneChange() != highResult.getLaneChange()) { // Use bisection to home in onto the decision point final double delta = 0.1; // [m] final int stepsNeeded = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(DoubleScalar.minus(high, low).getSI() / delta) / Math.log(2)); for (int step = 0; step < stepsNeeded; step++) { Length.Rel mutableMid =; mid = mutableMid; LaneMovementStep midResult = computeLaneChange(referenceCar, sameLaneGTUs, speedLimit, laneChangeModel, mid, lanes[1], speedDifference, mergeRight); // System.out.println(String.format ("mid %.2fm: %s", mid.getSI(), midResult)); if (midResult.getLaneChange() != lowResult.getLaneChange()) { high = mid; highResult = midResult; } else { low = mid; lowResult = midResult; } } } else { // System.out.println("Bisection failed"); computeLaneChange(referenceCar, sameLaneGTUs, speedLimit, laneChangeModel, low, lanes[1], speedDifference, mergeRight); } return mid; } /** * @param referenceCar LaneBasedIndifidualCar<String>; the reference GTU * @param sameLaneGTUs Collection<HeadwayGTU>; the set of GTUs in the same lane as the referenceCar * @param speedLimit Speed; the speed limit * @param laneChangeModel LaneChangeModel; the lane change model * @param otherCarPosition Length.Rel; the position of the other car * @param otherCarLane Lane; the lane of the other car * @param deltaV Speed; the speed difference * @param mergeRight boolean; if true; merging direction is to the right; if false; merging direction is to the left * @return LaneMovementStep * @throws NamingException on ??? * @throws SimRuntimeException on ??? * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency * @throws GTUException on error during GTU construction * @throws OTSGeometryException when the initial position is outside the lane's center line */ private LaneMovementStep computeLaneChange(final LaneBasedIndividualCar referenceCar, final Collection sameLaneGTUs, final Speed speedLimit, final LaneChangeModel laneChangeModel, final Length.Rel otherCarPosition, final Lane otherCarLane, final Speed deltaV, final boolean mergeRight) throws NamingException, NetworkException, SimRuntimeException, GTUException, OTSGeometryException { Set initialLongitudinalPositions = new LinkedHashSet<>(1); initialLongitudinalPositions.add(new DirectedLanePosition(otherCarLane, otherCarPosition, GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS)); LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics drivingCharacteristics = new LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics(this.carFollowingModel, laneChangeModel); LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner strategicalPlanner = new LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner(drivingCharacteristics, new LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner()); LaneBasedIndividualCar otherCar = new LaneBasedIndividualCar("otherCar", referenceCar.getGTUType(), initialLongitudinalPositions, referenceCar.getVelocity().plus(deltaV), new Length.Rel(4, METER), new Length.Rel(2, METER), new Speed( 150, KM_PER_HOUR), referenceCar.getSimulator(), strategicalPlanner, new LanePerceptionFull(),; Collection preferredLaneGTUs = new LinkedHashSet(); Collection nonPreferredLaneGTUs = new LinkedHashSet(); Length.Rel referenceCarPosition = referenceCar.position(referenceCar.positions(referenceCar.getReference()).keySet().iterator().next(), referenceCar.getReference()); HeadwayGTU otherGTU = new HeadwayGTU(otherCar.getId(), otherCar.getVelocity(), DoubleScalar.minus(otherCarPosition, referenceCarPosition).getSI(), otherCar.getGTUType()); if (mergeRight) { preferredLaneGTUs.add(otherGTU); } else { sameLaneGTUs.add(otherGTU); } // System.out.println(referenceCar); // System.out.println(otherCar); LaneMovementStep result = laneChangeModel.computeLaneChangeAndAcceleration(referenceCar, sameLaneGTUs, mergeRight ? preferredLaneGTUs : null, mergeRight ? null : nonPreferredLaneGTUs, speedLimit, new Acceleration(0.3, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Acceleration(0.1, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Acceleration( -0.3, METER_PER_SECOND_2)); // System.out.println(result); sameLaneGTUs.remove(otherGTU); otherCar.destroy(); return result; } /** * @param caption String; the caption for the chart * @param speed double; the speed of the reference vehicle * @return new JFreeChart */ private JFreeChart createChart(final String caption, final double speed) { ChartFactory.setChartTheme(new StandardChartTheme("JFree/Shadow", false)); ChartData chartData = new ChartData(); JFreeChart chartPanel = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(caption, "", "", chartData, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false); NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis("\u2192 " + "\u0394v (other car speed minus reference car speed) [km/h]"); xAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); double minimumDifference = -30; xAxis.setRange(minimumDifference, minimumDifference + 60); xAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis("\u2192 " + "gross headway (\u0394s) [m]"); yAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); yAxis.setRange(LOWERBOUND.getSI(), UPPERBOUND.getSI()); yAxis.setInverted(true); chartPanel.getXYPlot().setDomainAxis(xAxis); chartPanel.getXYPlot().setRangeAxis(yAxis); final XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) chartPanel.getXYPlot().getRenderer(); renderer.setBaseLinesVisible(true); renderer.setBaseShapesVisible(false); renderer.setBaseShape(new Line2D.Float(0, 0, 0, 0)); return chartPanel; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void constructModel( final SimulatorInterface, DoubleScalar.Rel, OTSSimTimeDouble> simulator) throws SimRuntimeException, RemoteException { // Do nothing } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final SimulatorInterface, DoubleScalar.Rel, OTSSimTimeDouble> getSimulator() throws RemoteException { return null; } } /** */ class ChartData implements XYDataset { /** The X values. */ private ArrayList> xValues = new ArrayList>(); /** The Y values. */ private ArrayList> yValues = new ArrayList>(); /** The names of the series. */ private ArrayList seriesKeys = new ArrayList(); /** List of parties interested in changes of this ContourPlot. */ private transient EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList(); /** Not used internally. */ private DatasetGroup datasetGroup = null; /** * Add storage for another series of XY values. * @param seriesName String; the name of the new series * @return int; the index to use to address the new series */ public final int addSeries(final String seriesName) { this.xValues.add(new ArrayList()); this.yValues.add(new ArrayList()); this.seriesKeys.add(seriesName); return this.xValues.size() - 1; } /** * Add an XY pair to the data. * @param seriesKey int; key to the data series * @param x double; x value of the pair * @param y double; y value of the pair */ public final void addXYPair(final int seriesKey, final double x, final double y) { this.xValues.get(seriesKey).add(x); this.yValues.get(seriesKey).add(y); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final int getSeriesCount() { return this.seriesKeys.size(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final Comparable getSeriesKey(final int series) { return this.seriesKeys.get(series); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final int indexOf(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Comparable seriesKey) { return this.seriesKeys.indexOf(seriesKey); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final void addChangeListener(final DatasetChangeListener listener) { this.listenerList.add(DatasetChangeListener.class, listener); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final void removeChangeListener(final DatasetChangeListener listener) { this.listenerList.remove(DatasetChangeListener.class, listener); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final DatasetGroup getGroup() { return this.datasetGroup; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final void setGroup(final DatasetGroup group) { this.datasetGroup = group; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final DomainOrder getDomainOrder() { return DomainOrder.ASCENDING; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final int getItemCount(final int series) { return this.xValues.get(series).size(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final Number getX(final int series, final int item) { return this.xValues.get(series).get(item); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final double getXValue(final int series, final int item) { return this.xValues.get(series).get(item); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final Number getY(final int series, final int item) { return this.yValues.get(series).get(item); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final double getYValue(final int series, final int item) { return this.yValues.get(series).get(item); } }