package org.opentrafficsim.demo.geometry.shape; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import; import; import; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTSFactoryFinder; import org.opengis.feature.Property; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimulatorInterface; import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSGeometryException; import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSLine3D; import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSPoint3D; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opentrafficsim.core.unit.FrequencyUnit; import org.opentrafficsim.core.unit.LengthUnit; import org.opentrafficsim.core.unit.SpeedUnit; import org.opentrafficsim.core.value.vdouble.scalar.DoubleScalar; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; /** *

* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License. *

* $LastChangedDate$, @version $Revision$, by $Author$, * initial version Sep 11, 2014
* @author Alexander Verbraeck * @author Guus Tamminga */ public final class ShapeFileReader { /** Do not instantiate this class. */ private ShapeFileReader() { // Cannot be instantiated. } /** * @param shapeFileName the nodes shapefile to read * @param numberType ??? * @param returnCentroid if true only loop through the centroid/zones (in case of mixed nodes and centroids) * @param allCentroids if true: the file contains centroids (a centroid file) * @return map of (shape file) nodes with nodenr as the key * @throws IOException on error */ public static Map> readNodes(final String shapeFileName, final String numberType, final boolean returnCentroid, final boolean allCentroids) throws IOException { /*- * the_geom class com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point POINT (190599 325650) * NODENR class java.lang.Long 18 * NAME class java.lang.String * X class java.lang.Double 190599.0 * Y class java.lang.Double 325650.0 * ... */ URL url; if (new File(shapeFileName).canRead()) { url = new File(shapeFileName).toURI().toURL(); } else { url = ShapeFileReader.class.getResource(shapeFileName); } ShapefileDataStore storeNodes = (ShapefileDataStore) FileDataStoreFinder.getDataStore(url); Map> nodes = new HashMap<>(); SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceNodes = storeNodes.getFeatureSource(); SimpleFeatureCollection featureCollectionNodes = featureSourceNodes.getFeatures(); SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = featureCollectionNodes.features(); try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature feature =; Coordinate coordinate = ((Point) feature.getAttribute("the_geom")).getCoordinate(); String nr = removeQuotes(String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute(numberType))); boolean addThisNode = false; if (returnCentroid) { if (nr.substring(0, 1).equals("C") || allCentroids) { addThisNode = true; } } else { if (nr == null) { System.out.println("null found"); } if (!nr.substring(0, 1).equals("C")) { addThisNode = true; } } if (addThisNode) { OTSNode node = new OTSNode(nr, new OTSPoint3D(coordinate)); nodes.put(nr, node); } } } catch (Exception problem) { problem.printStackTrace(); } finally { iterator.close(); storeNodes.dispose(); } System.out.println("aantal knopen (353): geteld " + nodes.size()); return nodes; } /** * @param number number string * @return boolean: true if the number refers to a Centroid; false otherwise */ public static boolean inspectNodeCentroid(final String number) { boolean isCentroid = false; String[] names = removeQuotes(number).split(":"); String name = names[0]; if (name.charAt(0) == 'C') { isCentroid = true; } return isCentroid; } /** * @param shapeFileName the nodes shapefile to read * @param links : returns the file with real links * @param nodes the map of nodes to retrieve start and end node * @param simulator simulator for the animation registration * @throws IOException on error */ public static void readLinks(final String shapeFileName, final Map links, final Map> nodes, final OTSSimulatorInterface simulator) throws IOException { /*- * the_geom class com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString MULTILINESTRING ((232250.38755446894 ... * LINKNR class java.lang.Long 1 * NAME class java.lang.String * DIRECTION class java.lang.Long 1 * LENGTH class java.lang.Double 1.80327678 * ANODE class java.lang.Long 684088 * BNODE class java.lang.Long 1090577263 * LINKTAG class java.lang.String 967536 * WEGTYPEAB class java.lang.String mvt * TYPEWEGVAB class java.lang.String asw 2x2 (8600) * TYPEWEG_AB class java.lang.String 12 Autosnelweg 2x2 * SPEEDAB class java.lang.Double 120.0 * CAPACITYAB class java.lang.Double 8600.0 * ... */ URL url; if (new File(shapeFileName).canRead()) { url = new File(shapeFileName).toURI().toURL(); } else { url = ShapeFileReader.class.getResource(shapeFileName); } ShapefileDataStore storeLinks = (ShapefileDataStore) FileDataStoreFinder.getDataStore(url); SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceLinks = storeLinks.getFeatureSource(); SimpleFeatureCollection featureCollectionLinks = featureSourceLinks.getFeatures(); SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = featureCollectionLinks.features(); try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature feature =; GeometryFactory geometryFactory = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory(); Geometry geometry = (Geometry) feature.getAttribute("the_geom"); Coordinate[] coords = geometry.getCoordinates(); LineString line = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords); String nr = String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("LINKNR")); String nrBA = nr + "_BA"; String name = String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("NAME")); // the reason to use String.valueOf(...) is that the .dbf files sometimes use double, // but also represent LENGTH by a string .... double lengthIn = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("LENGTH"))); DoubleScalar.Rel length = new DoubleScalar.Rel(lengthIn, LengthUnit.KILOMETER); short direction = (short) Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("DIRECTION"))); String lNodeA = String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("ANODE")); String lNodeB = String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("BNODE")); // long lNodeB = NodeCentroidNumber(String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("BNODE"))); String linkTag = (String) feature.getAttribute("LINKTAG"); String wegtype = (String) feature.getAttribute("WEGTYPEAB"); String typeWegVak = (String) feature.getAttribute("TYPEWEGVAB"); String typeWeg = (String) feature.getAttribute("TYPEWEG_AB"); Double speedIn = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("SPEEDAB"))); DoubleScalar speed = new DoubleScalar.Abs(speedIn, SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); double capacityIn = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(feature.getAttribute("CAPACITYAB"))); DoubleScalar capacity = new DoubleScalar.Abs(capacityIn, FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR); // new DoubleScalar.Abs(shpLink.getLength(), LengthUnit.KILOMETER); // create the link or connector to a centroid.... OTSNode nodeA = nodes.get(lNodeA); OTSNode nodeB = nodes.get(lNodeB); if (nodeA != null && nodeB != null) { CrossSectionLink linkAB = null; CrossSectionLink linkBA = null; linkAB = new CrossSectionLink(nr, nodeA, nodeB, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{nodeA.getPoint(), nodeB.getPoint()})); animate(linkAB, typeWegVak, simulator); linkBA = new CrossSectionLink(nrBA, nodeB, nodeA, new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{nodeB.getPoint(), nodeA.getPoint()})); animate(linkBA, typeWegVak, simulator); if (direction == 1) { links.put(nr, linkAB); } else if (direction == 2) { links.put(nrBA, linkBA); } else if (direction == 3) { links.put(nr, linkAB); links.put(nrBA, linkBA); } } else { System.out.println("Node lNodeA=" + lNodeA + " or lNodeB=" + lNodeB + " not found for linknr=" + nr + ", name=" + name); } } } catch (Exception problem) { problem.printStackTrace(); } finally { iterator.close(); storeLinks.dispose(); } } /** * @param shapeFileName the areas shapefile to read * @throws IOException on error */ public static void shapeFileInfo(final String shapeFileName) throws IOException { URL url; if (new File(shapeFileName).canRead()) { url = new File(shapeFileName).toURI().toURL(); } else { url = ShapeFileReader.class.getResource(shapeFileName); } ShapefileDataStore store = (ShapefileDataStore) FileDataStoreFinder.getDataStore(url); SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = store.getFeatureSource(); SimpleFeatureCollection featureCollection = featureSource.getFeatures(); SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = featureCollection.features(); try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature feature =; Collection areaProperties = feature.getProperties(); for (Property p : areaProperties) { System.out.println(p.getName() + " " + p.getValue().getClass() + " " + p.getValue().toString()); } return; } } catch (Exception problem) { problem.printStackTrace(); } finally { iterator.close(); store.dispose(); } } /** * @param name the name with quotes * @return name without quotes */ public static String removeQuotes(final String name) { String newName = name; if (newName.length() >= 2 && newName.charAt(0) == '"' && newName.charAt(newName.length() - 1) == '"') { newName = newName.substring(1, newName.length() - 1); } return newName; } /** * @param link the link * @param wegType wegtype * @param simulator animator * @throws NamingException in case of context error * @throws RemoteException in case of context error * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency */ private static void animate(final CrossSectionLink link, final String wegType, final OTSSimulatorInterface simulator) throws RemoteException, NamingException, NetworkException { // leave out if center line not needed. new LinkAnimation(link, simulator, 0.1f); if (wegType.startsWith("asw") || wegType.startsWith("80")) { int spits = 0; int n = 1; if (wegType.contains("2x2")) { n = 2; } if (wegType.contains("2x3")) { n = 3; } if (wegType.contains("2x4")) { n = 4; } if (wegType.contains("2x5")) { n = 5; } if (wegType.contains("+ 1") || wegType.contains("+1")) { spits = 1; } if (wegType.contains("+ 2") || wegType.contains("+2")) { spits = 2; } addNLanes(n, spits, link, simulator); } if (wegType.startsWith("stads")) { int n = 1; if (wegType.contains("2x2")) { n = 2; } if (wegType.contains("2x3")) { n = 3; } boolean middenberm = wegType.contains("met middenberm"); addCityStreetLanes(n, middenberm, link, simulator); } else { addCityStreet(link, simulator); } } /** * @param n aantal stroken per zijde * @param spits aantal spitsstroken * @param link link * @param simulator animator * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency */ private static void addNLanes(final int n, final int spits, final CrossSectionLink link, final OTSSimulatorInterface simulator) throws NetworkException { // 2 x n lanes, grass underneath, lines between lanes, barrier in center // lane is 3.5 meters wide. gap in middle is one meter. outside 0.5 meters on both sides DoubleScalar.Rel m05 = new DoubleScalar.Rel(0.5, LengthUnit.METER); DoubleScalar.Rel m10 = new DoubleScalar.Rel(1.0, LengthUnit.METER); DoubleScalar.Rel m35 = new DoubleScalar.Rel(3.5, LengthUnit.METER); DoubleScalar.Abs f0 = new DoubleScalar.Abs(0.0, FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR); DoubleScalar.Abs f200 = new DoubleScalar.Abs(200.0, FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR); DoubleScalar.Abs speedLimit = new DoubleScalar.Abs(100, SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); try { // middenberm Shoulder sM = new Shoulder(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(0.0, LengthUnit.METER), m10, m10); new ShoulderAnimation(sM, simulator, Color.GREEN); for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { LongitudinalDirectionality dir = (i < 0) ? LongitudinalDirectionality.FORWARD : LongitudinalDirectionality.BACKWARD; // Lane laneEM = new Lane(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(i * 0.75, LengthUnit.METER), new DoubleScalar.Rel(i * 0.75, LengthUnit.METER), m05, m05, null, LongitudinalDirectionality.NONE, f0, speedLimit); new LaneAnimation(laneEM, simulator, Color.LIGHT_GRAY); double lat = 1; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { lat += i * 1.75; Lane lane = new Lane(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat, LengthUnit.METER), new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat, LengthUnit.METER), m35, m35, null, dir, f200, speedLimit); new LaneAnimation(lane, simulator, Color.GRAY); lat += i * 1.75; } // spitsstroken for (int j = 0; j < spits; j++) { lat += i * 1.75; Lane lane = new Lane(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat, LengthUnit.METER), new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat, LengthUnit.METER), m35, m35, null, dir, f0, speedLimit); new LaneAnimation(lane, simulator, Color.LIGHT_GRAY); lat += i * 1.75; } Lane laneEO = new Lane(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat + i * 0.25, LengthUnit.METER), new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat + i * 0.25, LengthUnit.METER), m05, m05, null, LongitudinalDirectionality.NONE, f0, speedLimit); new LaneAnimation(laneEO, simulator, Color.LIGHT_GRAY); lat += i * 0.5; Shoulder sO = new Shoulder(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat, LengthUnit.METER), m10, m10); new ShoulderAnimation(sO, simulator, Color.GREEN); } } catch (NamingException | RemoteException | OTSGeometryException ne) { // } } /** * @param n aantal stroken per zijde * @param middenberm aanwezig of niet * @param link link * @param simulator animator * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency */ private static void addCityStreetLanes(final int n, final boolean middenberm, final CrossSectionLink link, final OTSSimulatorInterface simulator) throws NetworkException { // 2 x n lanes, grass underneath, lines between lanes, barrier in center // lane is 3.0 meters wide. gap in middle is one meter. outside 0.5 meters on both sides DoubleScalar.Rel m10 = new DoubleScalar.Rel(1.0, LengthUnit.METER); DoubleScalar.Rel m30 = new DoubleScalar.Rel(3.0, LengthUnit.METER); DoubleScalar.Abs f200 = new DoubleScalar.Abs(200.0, FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR); DoubleScalar.Abs speedLimit = new DoubleScalar.Abs(100, SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); try { if (middenberm) { Shoulder sM = new Shoulder(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(0.0, LengthUnit.METER), m10, m10); new ShoulderAnimation(sM, simulator, Color.GREEN); } for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { LongitudinalDirectionality dir = (i < 0) ? LongitudinalDirectionality.FORWARD : LongitudinalDirectionality.BACKWARD; double lat = middenberm ? 0.5 : 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { lat += i * 1.5; Lane lane = new Lane(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat, LengthUnit.METER), new DoubleScalar.Rel(lat, LengthUnit.METER), m30, m30, null, dir, f200, speedLimit); new LaneAnimation(lane, simulator, Color.DARK_GRAY); lat += i * 1.5; } } } catch (NamingException | RemoteException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | OTSGeometryException ne) { ne.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param link link * @param simulator animator * @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency */ private static void addCityStreet(final CrossSectionLink link, final OTSSimulatorInterface simulator) throws NetworkException { DoubleScalar.Rel m60 = new DoubleScalar.Rel(6.0, LengthUnit.METER); DoubleScalar.Abs f50 = new DoubleScalar.Abs(50.0, FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR); DoubleScalar.Abs speedLimit = new DoubleScalar.Abs(100, SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); try { Lane lane = new Lane(link, new DoubleScalar.Rel(0.0, LengthUnit.METER), new DoubleScalar.Rel( 0.0, LengthUnit.METER), m60, m60, null, LongitudinalDirectionality.BOTH, f50, speedLimit); new LaneAnimation(lane, simulator, Color.DARK_GRAY); } catch (NamingException | RemoteException | OTSGeometryException ne) { // } } }