Root element for file. The version number of the network. A description for the network. The simulation start time. All times are relative up from this time. The simulation end time. Connects a zone with a node. The id of the node the connector starts or ends. If the direction is true, when the connector starts at the node and ends at the zone, otherwise it starts at the zone and end at the node. A list containing connectors. A crosswalk, that leads over an inbound link and/or an outbound link. One of them is optional. Center islands can be designed by creating crosswalks for the inbound link and the corresponding outbound link seperately. The leftside is the side going from left to right when we look towards the node. The rightside is the side going from right to left when we look towards the node. The id of an inbound link at the node, the crosswalk where the crosswalk is defined. At least the INLINKD or the OUTLINK id must be set. If both are set, the inbound link must be the reverse link of the outbound link. The id of an outbound link at a node, the crosswalk where the crosswalk is defined. At least the INLINKD or the OUTLINK id must be set. If both are set, the inbound link must be the reverse link of the outbound link. An index value that is required as primary key. If it is true, the crosswalk leads over a channelized turn, otherwise it is false. If only the OUTLINKID is set, then CHANNELIZEDTURN must be false. An id of a signal control, that belongs to the crosswalk. The width of the crosswalk. The sum of the offset and the width must be smaller than the length of the link. The offset, where the crosswalk is placed on the link. The distance is calculated from the line-of-sight. A list containing crosswalks. A lane is part of a link. A lane is defined either on the from node or on the to node of the link. It is allowed to define more lanes for a link than defined by the NUMLANES attribute of the link. In this case, all additional lanes must be marked as pocket. Contains all vehicle classes that are not allowed for the lane. Contains all detectors for the lane. The id of the link the lane belongs to. The lane index describes the position of a lane on a link. The lanes are numbered from right to left looking in the direction of the link. Whether the lane is a pocket lane or not. The length of the pocket. Ignored if POCKET is false. The width of the lane. Default is either 3.5 meters or 12 feet depending on the VISSIM preferences. The position of the stop line. Distance is measured from line-of-sight. The type of the traffic sign. A list containing lanes. A lane turn connects a lane on an inbound link with a lane on an outbound link at a node. If at least one laneturn is defined on a node, all turns will be ignored. Geometrical data, that describes the placement of the lane turn in the network. For future use. Contains all vehicle classes, that are not allowed for the lane turn. Contains all detectors for the laneturn. The id of the link, the lane turn comes from. Both FromLink and ToLink must be incident links to the node this laneturn is defined on. FROMLINKID belongs to an inbound link. The index of the lane on the FromLink, the lane turn comes from. The id of the link, the lane turn goes to. Both FromLink and ToLink must be incident links to the node this laneturn is defined on. TOLINKID belongs to an outbound link. The id of the lane on the outbound link. If the lane index is not set, the application uses one of the lanes on the ToLink. The id of the signal control that belongs to the lane turn. The id of the signal group that belongs to the lane turn. An alternative signal group number. The type of the signal control. The reduced speed on the lane turn. A list containing lane turns. A link is a directed connection between two nodes. Contains all vehicle classes, that are not allowed for the link. Describes the geometrical placement of the link in the network. The id of the link. The id of the node, the link comes from. The id of the node, the link goes to. A description for the link. The id of the link type, the link belongs to. The maximal allowed speed on the link. The minimal count of lanes the link consists of. It is possible to define more lanes on the inbound part of the link. All surplus lanes should be defined as pockets. Whether it is allowed to turn on red or not. This is only important for the link that is nearest to the outermost lane of the link. The length of the channelized turn. If no channelized turn exists, CHANNELIZEDTURNLEN should be 0. The corresponding reverse link at the end node of the link. The corresponding opposite link. Describes the appearance of the link. Describes the appearance of the link. Describes the appearance of the link. Describes the appearance of the link. Describes the appearance of the link. If the from node is a roundabout, this attributes is required and contains the radius at the roundabout. If the from node is a roundabout, this attributes is required and contains the radius at the roundabout. Allow lead / lag - optimization, default false. A polyline is a set of points. The indices start at 1 and must be consecutive. A three dimensional point. A list containing all links. A link type combines links with identical characteristics. The number of the link type. The name of the link type. The default driving behavior for the link type. A list containing link types. Contains all network data. All vehicle types that belong to the network. All vehicle classes that belong to the network. All nodes that belong to the network. All zones that belong to the network. All link types that belong to the network. All links that belong to the network. All public transport stops that belong to the network. All public transport lines that belong to the network. All signal controls that belong to the network. Whether the network is for lefthand traffic or not. A node represents an intersection. Contains all turns that belong to the node. Contains all lanes that belong to the node. Contains all lane turns that belong to the node. Contains all crosswalks that belong to the node. The number of the node. The name of the node. The x-coordinate of the position of the node in the network. The y-coordinate of the position of the node in the network. The z-coordinate of the position of the node in the network. The control type of the node. Whether changes to the node should be ignored, if the network is read adaptive or not. If the node type is roundabout, this attribute is required. In this case, the attribute is the number of lanes in the roundabout. The ID of the related signal controller Central business district. Default true. Loss time >=0.0, default = 0.0. A list containing nodes. A coordinate in a 3-dimensional space. The id of the point. The x coordinate of the point. The y coordinate of the point. The z coordinate of the point. A list containing public transport lines. A signal control. A list containing signal controls. A list containing intergreens. This represents the intergreen time for two signal groups. For future use. The number of the from signal group. The number of the to signal group. The duration of the intergreen. A turn connects an inbound link with an outbound link at a node. It is not allowed to specify both turn and lane turns. Lane turns allows a more detailed description of a connection between to links. Contains all vehicle classes, that are not allowed for the link. The id of the link the turn comes from. Both FROMLINKID and TOLINKID should belong to the same node. The FROMLINKID should end at this node. The id of the link the turn goes to. Both FROMLINKID and TOLINKID should belong to the same node. The TOLINKID should begin at this node. The type of the traffic sign. The reduced speed of the turn. Peak hour factor: minimum 0.25, maximum 1.0, default 1.0. A list containing turns. A class of vehicles. A list containing all vehicle classes. A vehicle type. A list containing vehicle types. A vehicle type number. A zone is an area, where vehicles enter or leave the network. Contains all connectors, that belongs to the zone. The number of the zone. The x part of the coordinate, that describes the position of the node in the network. The y part of the coordinate, that describes the position of the node in the network. The z part of the coordinate, that describes the position of the node in the network. A list with zones. A vehicle class the is not allowed for a specific network element. A list with blocked vehicle classes. A vehicle class that is related to a specific network element. A list with affected vehicle classes. A stop for public transport. A list with stops for public transport. A public transport line. The items of this public transport line. The vehicle journeys of this public transport line. The telegram of this public transport line. The id of this public transport line. The id of the vehicle type of this public transport line. The name of this public transport line. A list with line items for public transport. A public transport line is described by line items, that contain each node and each stop of a line, sorted in temporal order. The departure time relative to the departure time of the vehicle journeys of the corresponding line. The variance of the stoptime. This item is stop on request. The duration of the stop. The node this item belongs to. The index of the item. The index should be unique in a list of items. The id of the stop point. A list with journey elements for public transport. The departure of a line at the first stop or node. The absolute departure time of a line at the first stop or node. The number of this vehicle journey. A list with signal groups for public transport. A signal group. The begin or the end of a crosswalk. Contains all detectors for the lane. Number of the signalgroup. The pedestrial volume. The bike volume. The x-coordinate. If it is defined, the y-coordinate also has to be defined, as well as the coordinates of the partner crosswalkside. The y-coordinate. If it is defined, the x-coordinate also has to be defined, as well as the coordinates of the partner crosswalkside. A matrix describing traffic volumes. The elements of the matrix. The id of the vehicle type for which this matrix is defined. The starting time of the demand volumes of this matrix. The ending time of the demand volumes of this matrix. All elements of this matrix are multiplied with this factor. A list containing matrix elements. The traffic volume for a relation of two nodes. A list containing matrices. A list containing routes. A route through the network that could be used by vehicles. The fromZone of this route. Either both fromZone and toZone have to be given or none. If both are given, this route is a zone otherwise it is a node route. The toZone of this route. Either both fromZone and toZone have to be given or none. If both are given, this route is a zone otherwise it is a node route. The index of this route. Must be unique throughout the file. A list containing route demands. A route demand describes the traffice induced by a vehicle type in a given time interval. A list containing route items. A route item describes the course of a route in temporal order. Contains all possible signal group types. Contains all possible vehicle category types. Contains all possible driving behavior types. Contains all possible control types. Contains all possible signalization types. Contains all possible signal types. Contains all possible sign types. Contains all possible detector types. A PT line which is affected for a specific network element. A list with affected PT lines. A detector that collects traffic data. Contains all vehicle classes that are detected. The detector type. The number of the detector signal control number. The detector port number. The name of the detector. The detector offset. The detector length. A list containing detectors. Contains a vehicle type specific time interval. A list containing vehicle type specific time intervals. Contains the routing data. Contains at least one element, at most two. The lost contains the node id and an optional link id. The type is used for all id types in Anm. An id should be a non negative number > 0. A public transport telegram.