package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface;
import org.djunits.unit.TimeUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.UNITS;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.DoubleScalar;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSModelInterface;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimTimeDouble;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSPoint3D;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUDirectionality;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUType;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.driver.LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LanePerceptionFull;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.FixedAccelerationModel;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.GTUFollowingModel;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.HeadwayGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.IDMPlus;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.lanechangemobil.FixedLaneChangeModel;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.lanechangemobil.LaneChangeModel;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.strategical.LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.strategical.route.LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner;
import org.opentrafficsim.simulationengine.SimpleSimulator;
* Test the LaneBasedGTU class.
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.
* $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-14 01:33:02 +0200 (Mon, 14 Sep 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1401 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
* initial version 27 jan. 2015
* @author Alexander Verbraeck
* @author Peter Knoppers
public class LaneBasedGTUTest implements UNITS
/** network. */
private OTSNetwork network = new OTSNetwork("network");
* Test if a Truck covering a specified range of lanes can see a Car covering a specified range of lanes.
* The network is a linear array of Nodes connected by 5-Lane Links. In the middle, the Nodes are very closely spaced. A
* truck is positioned over those center Nodes ensuring it covers several of the short Lanes in succession.
* @param truckFromLane int; lowest rank of lane range of the truck
* @param truckUpToLane int; highest rank of lane range of the truck
* @param carLanesCovered int; number of lanes that the car covers
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
private void leaderFollowerParallel(int truckFromLane, int truckUpToLane, int carLanesCovered) throws Exception
// Perform a few sanity checks
if (carLanesCovered < 1)
fail("carLanesCovered must be >= 1 (got " + carLanesCovered + ")");
if (truckUpToLane < truckFromLane)
fail("truckUpToLane must be >= truckFromLane");
OTSModelInterface model = new Model();
SimpleSimulator simulator =
new SimpleSimulator(new Time.Abs(0.0, SECOND), new Time.Rel(0.0, SECOND), new Time.Rel(3600.0, SECOND),
GTUType carType = GTUType.makeGTUType("car");
GTUType truckType = GTUType.makeGTUType("truck");
LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane");
// Create a series of Nodes (some closely bunched together)
ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
int[] linkBoundaries = {0, 25, 50, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 150, 175, 200};
for (int xPos : linkBoundaries)
nodes.add(new OTSNode("Node at " + xPos, new OTSPoint3D(xPos, 20, 0)));
// Now we can build a series of Links with Lanes on them
ArrayList links = new ArrayList();
final int laneCount = 5;
for (int i = 1; i < nodes.size(); i++)
OTSNode fromNode = nodes.get(i - 1);
OTSNode toNode = nodes.get(i);
String linkName = fromNode.getId() + "-" + toNode.getId();
Lane[] lanes =
LaneFactory.makeMultiLane(linkName, fromNode, toNode, null, laneCount, laneType, new Speed(100,
KM_PER_HOUR), simulator, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_PLUS);
// Create a long truck with its front (reference) one meter in the last link on the 3rd lane
Length.Rel truckPosition = new Length.Rel(99.5, METER);
Length.Rel truckLength = new Length.Rel(15, METER);
Set truckPositions =
buildPositionsSet(truckPosition, truckLength, links, truckFromLane, truckUpToLane);
Speed truckSpeed = new Speed(0, KM_PER_HOUR);
Length.Rel truckWidth = new Length.Rel(2.5, METER);
LaneChangeModel laneChangeModel = new FixedLaneChangeModel(null);
Speed maximumVelocity = new Speed(120, KM_PER_HOUR);
GTUFollowingModel gtuFollowingModel = new IDMPlus();
LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics drivingCharacteristics =
new LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics(gtuFollowingModel, laneChangeModel);
LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner strategicalPlanner =
new LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner(drivingCharacteristics, new LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner());
LaneBasedIndividualCar truck =
new LaneBasedIndividualCar("Truck", truckType, truckPositions, truckSpeed, truckLength, truckWidth,
maximumVelocity, simulator, strategicalPlanner, new LanePerceptionFull(),;
// Verify that the truck is registered on the correct Lanes
int lanesChecked = 0;
int found = 0;
for (CrossSectionLink link : links)
for (CrossSectionElement cse : link.getCrossSectionElementList())
if (cse instanceof Lane)
Lane lane = (Lane) cse;
boolean truckPositionsOnLane = false;
for (DirectedLanePosition pos : truckPositions)
if (pos.getLane().equals(lane))
truckPositionsOnLane = true;
if (truckPositionsOnLane)
assertTrue("Truck should be registered on Lane " + lane, lane.getGtuList().contains(truck));
assertFalse("Truck should NOT be registered on Lane " + lane, lane.getGtuList().contains(truck));
// Make sure we tested them all
assertEquals("lanesChecked should equals the number of Links times the number of lanes on each Link", laneCount
* links.size(), lanesChecked);
assertEquals("Truck should be registered in " + truckPositions.size() + " lanes", truckPositions.size(), found);
Length.Rel forwardMaxDistance = truck.getDrivingCharacteristics().getForwardHeadwayDistance();
// TODO see how we can ask the vehicle to look this far ahead
HeadwayGTU leader = truck.getPerception().getForwardHeadwayGTU();
"With one vehicle in the network forward headway should return a value larger than zero, and smaller than maxDistance",
forwardMaxDistance.getSI() >= leader.getDistance().si && leader.getDistance().si > 0);
assertEquals("With one vehicle in the network forward headwayGTU should return null", null, leader.getGtuId());
// TODO see how we can ask the vehicle to look this far behind
Length.Rel reverseMaxDistance = truck.getDrivingCharacteristics().getBackwardHeadwayDistance();
HeadwayGTU follower = truck.getPerception().getBackwardHeadwayGTU();
"With one vehicle in the network reverse headway should return a value less than zero, and smaller than |maxDistance|",
Math.abs(reverseMaxDistance.getSI()) >= Math.abs(follower.getDistance().si) && follower.getDistance().si < 0);
assertEquals("With one vehicle in the network reverse headwayGTU should return null", null, follower.getGtuId());
Length.Rel carLength = new Length.Rel(4, METER);
Length.Rel carWidth = new Length.Rel(1.8, METER);
Speed carSpeed = new Speed(0, KM_PER_HOUR);
int maxStep = linkBoundaries[linkBoundaries.length - 1];
for (int laneRank = 0; laneRank < laneCount + 1 - carLanesCovered; laneRank++)
for (int step = 0; step < maxStep; step += 5)
if (laneRank >= truckFromLane && laneRank <= truckUpToLane
&& step >= truckPosition.getSI() - truckLength.getSI()
&& step - carLength.getSI() <= truckPosition.getSI())
continue; // Truck and car would overlap; the result of that placement is not defined :-)
Length.Rel carPosition = new Length.Rel(step, METER);
Set carPositions =
buildPositionsSet(carPosition, carLength, links, laneRank, laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1);
drivingCharacteristics = new LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics(gtuFollowingModel, laneChangeModel);
strategicalPlanner =
new LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner(drivingCharacteristics, new LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner());
LaneBasedIndividualCar car =
new LaneBasedIndividualCar("Car", carType, carPositions, carSpeed, carLength, carWidth,
maximumVelocity, simulator, strategicalPlanner, new LanePerceptionFull(),;
// leader = truck.headway(forwardMaxDistance);
// TODO see how we can ask the vehicle to look 'forwardMaxDistance' ahead
leader = truck.getPerception().getForwardHeadwayGTU();
double actualHeadway = leader.getDistance().si;
double expectedHeadway =
laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1 < truckFromLane || laneRank > truckUpToLane
|| step - truckPosition.getSI() - truckLength.getSI() <= 0 ? Double.MAX_VALUE : step
- truckLength.getSI() - truckPosition.getSI();
// System.out.println("carLanesCovered " + laneRank + ".." + (laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1)
// + " truckLanesCovered " + truckFromLane + ".." + truckUpToLane + " car pos " + step
// + " laneRank " + laneRank + " expected headway " + expectedHeadway);
// The next assert found a subtle bug (">" instead of ">=")
assertEquals("Forward headway should return " + expectedHeadway, expectedHeadway, actualHeadway, 0.1);
String leaderGtuId = leader.getGtuId();
if (expectedHeadway == Double.MAX_VALUE)
assertEquals("Leader id should be null", null, leaderGtuId);
assertEquals("Leader id should be the car id", car, leaderGtuId);
// TODO follower = truck.headway(reverseMaxDistance);
follower = truck.getPerception().getBackwardHeadwayGTU();
double actualReverseHeadway = follower.getDistance().si;
double expectedReverseHeadway =
laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1 < truckFromLane || laneRank > truckUpToLane
|| step + carLength.getSI() >= truckPosition.getSI() ? Double.MAX_VALUE : truckPosition.getSI()
- carLength.getSI() - step;
assertEquals("Reverse headway should return " + expectedReverseHeadway, expectedReverseHeadway,
actualReverseHeadway, 0.1);
String followerGtuId = follower.getGtuId();
if (expectedReverseHeadway == Double.MAX_VALUE)
assertEquals("Follower id should be null", null, followerGtuId);
assertEquals("Follower id should be the car id", car.getId(), followerGtuId);
for (int laneIndex = 0; laneIndex < laneCount; laneIndex++)
Lane l = null;
double cumulativeDistance = 0;
for (CrossSectionLink csl : links)
cumulativeDistance += csl.getLength().getSI();
if (cumulativeDistance >= truckPosition.getSI())
l = getNthLane(csl, laneIndex);
leader = truck.getPerception().getForwardHeadwayGTU();
actualHeadway = leader.getDistance().si;
expectedHeadway =
laneIndex < laneRank || laneIndex > laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1
|| step - truckLength.getSI() - truckPosition.getSI() <= 0 ? Double.MAX_VALUE : step
- truckLength.getSI() - truckPosition.getSI();
assertEquals("Headway on lane " + laneIndex + " should be " + expectedHeadway, expectedHeadway,
actualHeadway, 0.001);
leaderGtuId = leader.getGtuId();
if (laneIndex >= laneRank && laneIndex <= laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1
&& step - truckLength.getSI() - truckPosition.getSI() > 0)
assertEquals("Leader id should be the car id", car.getId(), leaderGtuId);
assertEquals("Leader id should be null", null, leaderGtuId);
follower = truck.getPerception().getBackwardHeadwayGTU();
actualReverseHeadway = follower.getDistance().si;
expectedReverseHeadway =
laneIndex < laneRank || laneIndex > laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1
|| step + carLength.getSI() >= truckPosition.getSI() ? Double.MAX_VALUE : truckPosition
.getSI() - carLength.getSI() - step;
assertEquals("Headway on lane " + laneIndex + " should be " + expectedReverseHeadway,
expectedReverseHeadway, actualReverseHeadway, 0.001);
followerGtuId = follower.getGtuId();
if (laneIndex >= laneRank && laneIndex <= laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1
&& step + carLength.getSI() < truckPosition.getSI())
assertEquals("Follower id should be the car id", car, followerGtuId);
assertEquals("Follower id should be null", null, followerGtuId);
Set leftParallel = truck.getPerception().getParallelGTUsLeft();
int expectedLeftSize =
laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1 < truckFromLane - 1 || laneRank >= truckUpToLane
|| step + carLength.getSI() <= truckPosition.getSI()
|| step > truckPosition.getSI() + truckLength.getSI() ? 0 : 1;
// This one caught a complex bug
assertEquals("Left parallel set size should be " + expectedLeftSize, expectedLeftSize,
if (leftParallel.size() > 0)
assertTrue("Parallel GTU should be the car", leftParallel.contains(car));
Set rightParallel = truck.getPerception().getParallelGTUsRight();
int expectedRightSize =
laneRank + carLanesCovered - 1 <= truckFromLane || laneRank > truckUpToLane + 1
|| step + carLength.getSI() < truckPosition.getSI()
|| step > truckPosition.getSI() + truckLength.getSI() ? 0 : 1;
assertEquals("Right parallel set size should be " + expectedRightSize, expectedRightSize,
if (rightParallel.size() > 0)
assertTrue("Parallel GTU should be the car", rightParallel.contains(car));
for (DirectedLanePosition pos : carPositions)
* Test the leader, follower and parallel methods.
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
public void leaderFollowerAndParallelTest() throws Exception
// TODO leaderFollowerParallel(2, 2, 1);
// TODO leaderFollowerParallel(2, 3, 1);
// TODO leaderFollowerParallel(2, 2, 2);
// TODO leaderFollowerParallel(2, 3, 2);
* Test the deltaTimeForDistance and timeAtDistance methods.
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
public void timeAtDistanceTest() throws Exception
for (int a = 1; a >= -1; a--)
// Create a car with constant acceleration
OTSModelInterface model = new Model();
SimpleSimulator simulator =
new SimpleSimulator(new Time.Abs(0.0, SECOND), new Time.Rel(0.0, SECOND), new Time.Rel(3600.0, SECOND),
// Run the simulator clock to some non-zero value
simulator.runUpTo(new Time.Abs(60, SECOND));
while (simulator.isRunning())
catch (InterruptedException ie)
ie = null; // ignore
GTUType carType = GTUType.makeGTUType("car");
LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane");
OTSNode fromNode = new OTSNode("Node A", new OTSPoint3D(0, 0, 0));
OTSNode toNode = new OTSNode("Node B", new OTSPoint3D(1000, 0, 0));
String linkName = "AB";
Lane lane =
LaneFactory.makeMultiLane(linkName, fromNode, toNode, null, 1, laneType, new Speed(200, KM_PER_HOUR),
simulator, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_PLUS)[0];
Length.Rel carPosition = new Length.Rel(100, METER);
Set carPositions = new LinkedHashSet<>(1);
carPositions.add(new DirectedLanePosition(lane, carPosition, GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS));
Speed carSpeed = new Speed(10, METER_PER_SECOND);
Acceleration acceleration = new Acceleration(a, METER_PER_SECOND_2);
FixedAccelerationModel fam = new FixedAccelerationModel(acceleration, new Time.Rel(10, SECOND));
LaneChangeModel laneChangeModel = new FixedLaneChangeModel(null);
Speed maximumVelocity = new Speed(200, KM_PER_HOUR);
LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics drivingCharacteristics =
new LaneBasedDrivingCharacteristics(fam, laneChangeModel);
LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner strategicalPlanner =
new LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner(drivingCharacteristics, new LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner());
LaneBasedIndividualCar car =
new LaneBasedIndividualCar("Car", carType, carPositions, carSpeed, new Length.Rel(4, METER),
new Length.Rel(1.8, METER), maximumVelocity, simulator, strategicalPlanner,
new LanePerceptionFull(),;
// Let the simulator execute the move method of the car
simulator.runUpTo(new Time.Abs(61, SECOND));
while (simulator.isRunning())
catch (InterruptedException ie)
ie = null; // ignore
// System.out.println("acceleration is " + acceleration);
// Check the results
for (int timeStep = 1; timeStep < 100; timeStep++)
double deltaTime = 0.1 * timeStep;
double distanceAtTime =
carSpeed.getSI() * deltaTime + 0.5 * acceleration.getSI() * deltaTime * deltaTime;
// System.out.println(String.format("time %.1fs, distance %.3fm", 60 + deltaTime, carPosition.getSI()
// + distanceAtTime));
// System.out.println("Expected differential distance " + distanceAtTime);
* TODO assertEquals("It should take " + deltaTime + " seconds to cover distance " + distanceAtTime, deltaTime,
* car.deltaTimeForDistance(new Length.Rel(distanceAtTime, METER)).getSI(), 0.0001);
* TODO assertEquals("Car should reach distance " + distanceAtTime + " at " + (deltaTime + 60), deltaTime + 60,
* car.timeAtDistance(new Length.Rel(distanceAtTime, METER)).getSI(), 0.0001);
* Executed as scheduled event.
public final void autoPauseSimulator()
// do nothing
* Create the Map that records in which lane a GTU is registered.
* @param totalLongitudinalPosition Length.Rel; the front position of the GTU from the start of the chain of Links
* @param gtuLength Length.Rel; the length of the GTU
* @param links ArrayList<CrossSectionLink<?,?>>; the list of Links
* @param fromLaneRank int; lowest rank of lanes that the GTU must be registered on (0-based)
* @param uptoLaneRank int; highest rank of lanes that the GTU must be registered on (0-based)
* @return the Set of the LanePositions that the GTU is registered on
private Set buildPositionsSet(Length.Rel totalLongitudinalPosition, Length.Rel gtuLength,
ArrayList links, int fromLaneRank, int uptoLaneRank)
Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>(1);
double cumulativeLength = 0;
for (CrossSectionLink link : links)
double linkLength = link.getLength().getSI();
double frontPositionInLink = totalLongitudinalPosition.getSI() - cumulativeLength + gtuLength.getSI();
double rearPositionInLink = frontPositionInLink - gtuLength.getSI();
// double linkEnd = cumulativeLength + linkLength;
// System.out.println("cumulativeLength: " + cumulativeLength + ", linkEnd: " + linkEnd + ", frontpos: "
// + frontPositionInLink + ", rearpos: " + rearPositionInLink);
if (rearPositionInLink < linkLength && frontPositionInLink >= 0)
// Some part of the GTU is in this Link
for (int laneRank = fromLaneRank; laneRank <= uptoLaneRank; laneRank++)
Lane lane = getNthLane(link, laneRank);
if (null == lane)
fail("Error in test; canot find lane with rank " + laneRank);
result.add(new DirectedLanePosition(lane, new Length.Rel(rearPositionInLink, METER),
cumulativeLength += linkLength;
return result;
* Find the Nth Lane on a Link.
* @param link Link; the Link
* @param rank int; the zero-based rank of the Lane to return
* @return Lane
private Lane getNthLane(final CrossSectionLink link, int rank)
for (CrossSectionElement cse : link.getCrossSectionElementList())
if (cse instanceof Lane)
if (0 == rank--)
return (Lane) cse;
return null;
/** */
class Model implements OTSModelInterface
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150127L;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void constructModel(
SimulatorInterface, DoubleScalar.Rel, OTSSimTimeDouble> simulator)
throws SimRuntimeException
// Dummy
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public SimulatorInterface, DoubleScalar.Rel, OTSSimTimeDouble> getSimulator()
return null;