Local deployment of OTS-EDIT

Either install an Apache server (heavy) or a lightweight PHP server. For the latter, go to http://windows.php.net/download/ for a Windows version and http://php.net/downloads.php for other operating systems. Take the thread safe version. Install the PHP locally in a folder (just unpack in a folder such as c:\php or c:\app\php for Windows -- no registry changes should be made).
In order to start the PHP Web server, issue a command like: php -S localhost:8080 -t d:\java\opentrafficsim\workspace\ots-edit
C:\app\php5.5.10_x86>php -S localhost:8080 -t d:\java\opentrafficsim\workspace\ots-edit
PHP 5.5.10 Development Server started at Wed Nov 04 16:12:40 2015
Listening on http://localhost:8080
Document root is D:\java\opentrafficsim\workspace\ots-edit
Press Ctrl-C to quit.
Make sure the argument after "-t" points to the location of the ots network editor folder. In this case port 8080 has been used; of course you can use port 80 instead (the standard http port).

Enabling OTS-EDIT locally in Firefox for non port-80 access

Firefox blocks access to non port-80 requests. In order to resolve this, see https://cdivilly.wordpress.com/2013/08/15/disable-firefox-redirecting-to-localhost-com/ for more information. Open the about:config page in Firefox. Type browser.fixup.alternate.enabled in the search bar. Double click to make sure it is turned to false. Now Firefox should be able to open the local OTS-EDIT pages via port 8080.