* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.
* $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-14 01:33:02 +0200 (Mon, 14 Sep 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1401 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
* initial version Aug 21, 2014
* @author Peter Knoppers
public class ContourPlotTest implements UNITS
* Create a dummy path for the tests.
* @param network Network; the network
* @param laneType the lane type
* @param gtuType the GTU type
* @return List<Lane>; the dummy path
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
private List dummyPath(final Network network, final LaneType laneType, final GTUType gtuType) throws Exception
OTSNode b = new OTSNode(network, "B", new OTSPoint3D(12345, 0, 0));
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
Lane[] lanes = LaneFactory.makeMultiLane(network, "AtoB", new OTSNode(network, "A", new OTSPoint3D(1234, 0, 0)), b,
null, 1, laneType, new Speed(100, KM_PER_HOUR), null, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_PLUS);
// Make a continuation lane to prevent errors when the operational plan exceeds the available remaining length
lanes = LaneFactory.makeMultiLane(network, "BtoC", b, new OTSNode(network, "C", new OTSPoint3D(99999, 0, 0)), null, 1,
laneType, new Speed(100, KM_PER_HOUR), null, LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_PLUS);
// System.out.println("continuation lane is " + lanes[0] + " length is " + lanes[0].getLength());
// System.out.println("next lanes is " + result.get(0).nextLanes(gtuType));
return result;
* Test the AccelerationContourPlot.
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
// TODO @Test
public final void accelerationContourTest() throws Exception
Network network = new OTSNetwork("contour test network");
GTUType gtuType = CAR;
Set compatibility = new HashSet();
LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane", compatibility);
List path = dummyPath(network, laneType, gtuType);
AccelerationContourPlot acp = new AccelerationContourPlot("Acceleration", path);
assertTrue("newly created AccelerationContourPlot should not be null", null != acp);
assertEquals("SeriesKey should be \"acceleration\"", "acceleration", acp.getSeriesKey(0));
standardContourTests(acp, path.get(0), gtuType, Double.NaN, 0);
* Test the DensityContourPlot.
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
// TODO @Test
public final void densityContourTest() throws Exception
Network network = new OTSNetwork("contour test network");
GTUType gtuType = CAR;
Set compatibility = new HashSet();
LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane", compatibility);
List path = dummyPath(network, laneType, gtuType);
DensityContourPlot dcp = new DensityContourPlot("Density", path);
assertTrue("newly created DensityContourPlot should not be null", null != dcp);
assertEquals("SeriesKey should be \"density\"", "density", dcp.getSeriesKey(0));
standardContourTests(dcp, path.get(0), gtuType, 0, Double.NaN);
* Debugging method.
* @param cp cp
* @param fromX fromX
* @param toX toX
* @param fromY fromY
* @param toY toY
static void printMatrix(ContourPlot cp, int fromX, int toX, int fromY, int toY)
System.out.println("Contour plot data:");
int maxItem = cp.getItemCount(0);
for (int y = fromY; y <= toY; y++)
System.out.print(String.format("y=%3d ", y));
for (int x = fromX; x <= toX; x++)
// Find the item with the requested x and y
int item;
for (item = 0; item < maxItem; item++)
if (cp.getXValue(0, item) == x && cp.getYValue(0, item) == y)
if (item < maxItem)
System.out.print(String.format("%10.6f", cp.getZValue(0, item)));
System.out.print(" -------- ");
* Test the FlowContourPlot.
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
// TODO @Test
public final void flowContourTest() throws Exception
Network network = new OTSNetwork("contour test network");
GTUType gtuType = CAR;
Set compatibility = new HashSet();
LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane", compatibility);
List path = dummyPath(network, laneType, gtuType);
FlowContourPlot fcp = new FlowContourPlot("Density", path);
assertTrue("newly created DensityContourPlot should not be null", null != fcp);
assertEquals("SeriesKey should be \"flow\"", "flow", fcp.getSeriesKey(0));
standardContourTests(fcp, path.get(0), gtuType, 0, Double.NaN);
* Test the SpeedContourPlot.
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
// TODO@Test
public final void speedContourTest() throws Exception
Network network = new OTSNetwork("contour test network");
GTUType gtuType = CAR;
Set compatibility = new HashSet();
LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane", compatibility);
List path = dummyPath(network, laneType, gtuType);
SpeedContourPlot scp = new SpeedContourPlot("Density", path);
assertTrue("newly created DensityContourPlot should not be null", null != scp);
assertEquals("SeriesKey should be \"speed\"", "speed", scp.getSeriesKey(0));
standardContourTests(scp, path.get(0), gtuType, Double.NaN, 50);
* Test various properties of a ContourPlot that has no observed data added.
* @param cp ContourPlot; the ContourPlot to test
* @param lane Lane; the lane on which the test GTUs are run
* @param gtuType GTUType; the type of GTU
* @param expectedZValue double; the value that getZ and getZValue should return for a valid item when no car has passed
* @param expectedZValueWithTraffic double; the value that getZ and getZValue should return a valid item where a car has
* traveled at constant speed of 50 km/h. Supply Double.NaN if the value varies but differs from the value
* expected when no car has passed
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
public static void standardContourTests(final ContourPlot cp, Lane lane, GTUType gtuType, final double expectedZValue,
final double expectedZValueWithTraffic) throws Exception
assertEquals("seriesCount should be 1", 1, cp.getSeriesCount());
assertEquals("domainOrder should be ASCENDING", DomainOrder.ASCENDING, cp.getDomainOrder());
assertEquals("indexOf always returns 0", 0, cp.indexOf(0));
assertEquals("indexOf always returns 0", 0, cp.indexOf("abc"));
assertEquals("getGroup always returns null", null, cp.getGroup());
int xBins = cp.xAxisBins();
int yBins = cp.yAxisBins();
int expectedXBins = (int) Math
.ceil((DoubleScalar.minus(ContourPlot.INITIALUPPERTIMEBOUND, ContourPlot.INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND).getSI())
assertEquals("Initial xBins should be " + expectedXBins, expectedXBins, xBins);
int expectedYBins = (int) Math.ceil(lane.getLength().getSI()
assertEquals("yBins should be " + expectedYBins, expectedYBins, yBins);
int bins = cp.getItemCount(0);
assertEquals("Total bin count is product of xBins * yBins", xBins * yBins, bins);
// Cache the String equivalents of minimumDistance and maximumDistance, INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND and
String initialLowerTimeBoundString = ContourPlot.INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND.toString();
String initialUpperTimeBoundString = ContourPlot.INITIALUPPERTIMEBOUND.toString();
// Vary the x granularity
for (double timeGranularity : ContourPlot.STANDARDTIMEGRANULARITIES)
cp.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(cp, 0, "setTimeGranularity " + timeGranularity));
for (double distanceGranularity : ContourPlot.STANDARDDISTANCEGRANULARITIES)
cp.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(cp, 0, "setDistanceGranularity " + distanceGranularity));
expectedXBins = (int) Math
.ceil((DoubleScalar.minus(ContourPlot.INITIALUPPERTIMEBOUND, ContourPlot.INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND).getSI())
/ timeGranularity);
xBins = cp.xAxisBins();
assertEquals("Modified xBins should be " + expectedXBins, expectedXBins, xBins);
expectedYBins = (int) Math.ceil(lane.getLength().getSI() / distanceGranularity);
yBins = cp.yAxisBins();
assertEquals("Modified yBins should be " + expectedYBins, expectedYBins, yBins);
bins = cp.getItemCount(0);
assertEquals("Total bin count is product of xBins * yBins", xBins * yBins, bins);
for (int item = 0; item < bins; item++)
double x = cp.getXValue(0, item);
assertTrue("X should be >= " + initialLowerTimeBoundString, x >= ContourPlot.INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND.getSI());
assertTrue("X should be <= " + initialUpperTimeBoundString, x <= ContourPlot.INITIALUPPERTIMEBOUND.getSI());
Number alternateX = cp.getX(0, item);
assertEquals("getXValue and getX should return things that have the same value", x,
alternateX.doubleValue(), 0.000001);
double y = cp.getYValue(0, item);
Number alternateY = cp.getY(0, item);
assertEquals("getYValue and getY should return things that have the same value", y,
alternateY.doubleValue(), 0.000001);
double z = cp.getZValue(0, item);
if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue))
assertTrue("Z value should be NaN", Double.isNaN(z));
assertEquals("Z value should be " + expectedZValue, expectedZValue, z, 0.0001);
Number alternateZ = cp.getZ(0, item);
if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue))
assertTrue("Alternate Z value should be NaN", Double.isNaN(alternateZ.doubleValue()));
assertEquals("Alternate Z value should be " + expectedZValue, expectedZValue, alternateZ.doubleValue(),
cp.getXValue(0, -1);
fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
catch (RuntimeException e)
// Ignore
cp.getXValue(0, bins);
fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
catch (RuntimeException e)
// Ignore
fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
catch (RuntimeException e)
// Ignore
fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
catch (RuntimeException e)
// Ignore
// Test some ActionEvents that ContourPlot can not handle
cp.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(cp, 0, "blabla"));
fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
catch (RuntimeException e)
// Ignore
cp.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(cp, 0, "setDistanceGranularity -1"));
fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
catch (RuntimeException e)
// ignore
cp.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(cp, 0, "setDistanceGranularity abc"));
fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
catch (RuntimeException e)
// ignore
cp.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(cp, 0, "setDistanceGranularitIE 10")); // typo in the event name
fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
catch (RuntimeException e)
// ignore
// Make the time granularity a bit more reasonable
final double useTimeGranularity = 30; // [s]
cp.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(cp, 0, "setTimeGranularity " + useTimeGranularity));
final double useDistanceGranularity =
cp.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(cp, 0, "setDistanceGranularity " + useDistanceGranularity));
bins = cp.getItemCount(0);
Time initialTime = new Time(0, SECOND);
Length initialPosition = new Length(100, METER);
Speed initialSpeed = new Speed(50, KM_PER_HOUR);
ContourPlotModel model = new ContourPlotModel();
SimpleSimulator simulator =
new SimpleSimulator(initialTime, new Duration(0, SECOND), new Duration(1800, SECOND), model);
// Create a car running 50 km.h
SequentialFixedAccelerationModel gtuFollowingModel =
new SequentialFixedAccelerationModel(simulator, new Acceleration(2.0, AccelerationUnit.METER_PER_SECOND_2));
// Make the car run at constant speed for one minute
.addStep(new FixedAccelerationModel(new Acceleration(0, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Duration(60, SECOND)));
// Make the car run at constant speed for another minute
.addStep(new FixedAccelerationModel(new Acceleration(0, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Duration(600, SECOND)));
// Make the car run at constant speed for five more minutes
.addStep(new FixedAccelerationModel(new Acceleration(0, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Duration(300, SECOND)));
LaneChangeModel laneChangeModel = new Egoistic();
OTSNetwork network = new OTSNetwork("network");
// Check that the initial data in the graph contains no trace of any car.
for (int item = 0; item < bins; item++)
double x = cp.getXValue(0, item);
assertTrue("X should be >= " + ContourPlot.INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND, x >= ContourPlot.INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND.getSI());
assertTrue("X should be <= " + ContourPlot.INITIALUPPERTIMEBOUND, x <= ContourPlot.INITIALUPPERTIMEBOUND.getSI());
Number alternateX = cp.getX(0, item);
assertEquals("getXValue and getX should return things that have the same value", x, alternateX.doubleValue(),
double y = cp.getYValue(0, item);
Number alternateY = cp.getY(0, item);
assertEquals("getYValue and getY should return things that have the same value", y, alternateY.doubleValue(),
double z = cp.getZValue(0, item);
if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue))
assertTrue("Z value should be NaN (got " + z + ")", Double.isNaN(z));
assertEquals("Z value should be " + expectedZValue, expectedZValue, z, 0.0001);
Number alternateZ = cp.getZ(0, item);
if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue))
assertTrue("Alternate Z value should be NaN", Double.isNaN(alternateZ.doubleValue()));
assertEquals("Alternate Z value should be " + expectedZValue, expectedZValue, alternateZ.doubleValue(), 0.0000);
LaneBasedIndividualGTU car = CarTest.makeReferenceCar("0", gtuType, lane, initialPosition, initialSpeed, simulator,
gtuFollowingModel, laneChangeModel, network);
new Length(10, LengthUnit.KILOMETER));
// System.out.println("Running simulator from " + simulator.getSimulatorTime().get() + " to "
// + gtuFollowingModel.timeAfterCompletionOfStep(0));
double stopTime = gtuFollowingModel.timeAfterCompletionOfStep(0).si;
simulator.runUpToAndIncluding(new Time(stopTime, TimeUnit.SI));
while (simulator.isRunning())
catch (InterruptedException ie)
ie = null; // ignore
// System.out.println("Simulator is now at " + simulator.getSimulatorTime().get());
// System.out.println("Car at start time " + car.getOperationalPlan().getStartTime() + " is at "
// + car.getPosition(car.getOperationalPlan().getStartTime()));
// System.out.println("At time " + simulator.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().getTime() + " car is at " + car);
for (int item = 0; item < bins; item++)
double x = cp.getXValue(0, item);
assertTrue("X should be >= " + ContourPlot.INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND, x >= ContourPlot.INITIALLOWERTIMEBOUND.getSI());
assertTrue("X should be <= " + ContourPlot.INITIALUPPERTIMEBOUND, x <= ContourPlot.INITIALUPPERTIMEBOUND.getSI());
Number alternateX = cp.getX(0, item);
assertEquals("getXValue and getX should return things that have the same value", x, alternateX.doubleValue(),
double y = cp.getYValue(0, item);
Number alternateY = cp.getY(0, item);
assertEquals("getYValue and getY should return things that have the same value", y, alternateY.doubleValue(),
double z = cp.getZValue(0, item);
// figure out if the car has traveled through this cell
// if (x >= 180)
// System.out.println(String.format("t=%.3f, x=%.3f z=%f, exp=%.3f, carLastEval=%s, carNextEval=%s", x, y, z,
// expectedZValue, car.getOperationalPlan().getStartTime().getSI(), car.getOperationalPlan().getEndTime()
// .getSI()));
boolean hit = false;
if (x + useTimeGranularity >= 0// car.getOperationalPlan().getStartTime().getSI()
&& x < 60)// car.getOperationalPlan().getEndTime().getSI())
// the car MAY have contributed to this cell
Time cellStartTime = new Time(Math.max(car.getOperationalPlan().getStartTime().getSI(), x), SECOND);
Time cellEndTime =
new Time(Math.min(car.getOperationalPlan().getEndTime().getSI(), x + useTimeGranularity), SECOND);
// System.out.println("cellStartTime=" + cellStartTime + ", cellEndTime=" + cellEndTime);
// The next if statement is the problem
// if (cellStartTime.lt(cellEndTime)
// && car.position(lane, car.getRear(), cellStartTime).getSI() <= y + useDistanceGranularity
// && car.position(lane, car.getRear(), cellEndTime).getSI() >= y)
double xAtCellStartTime = initialPosition.si + initialSpeed.si * cellStartTime.si;
double xAtCellEndTime = initialPosition.si + initialSpeed.si * cellEndTime.si;
if (xAtCellStartTime < y + useDistanceGranularity && xAtCellEndTime >= y)
hit = true;
// System.out.println(String.format(
// "hit=%s, t=%.3f, x=%.3f z=%f, exp=%.3f, carLastEval=%s, carNextEval=%s, simulatortime=%s", hit, x, y, z,
// expectedZValue, car.getOperationalPlan().getStartTime().getSI(), car.getOperationalPlan().getEndTime()
// .getSI(), car.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().get()));
Number alternateZ = cp.getZ(0, item);
if (hit)
if (!Double.isNaN(expectedZValueWithTraffic))
if (Double.isNaN(z))
printMatrix(cp, 0, 10, 0, 10);
System.out.println("Oops - z is NaN, expected z value with traffic is " + expectedZValueWithTraffic);
assertEquals("Z value should be " + expectedZValueWithTraffic, expectedZValueWithTraffic, z, 0.0001);
assertEquals("Z value should be " + expectedZValueWithTraffic, expectedZValueWithTraffic,
alternateZ.doubleValue(), 0.0001);
if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue))
{ // FIXME looks wrong / PK
assertFalse("Z value should not be NaN", Double.isNaN(z));
if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue))
// if (!Double.isNaN(z))
// {
// System.out.println("Oops");
// Time cellStartTime = new Time(x, SECOND);
// Time cellEndTime =
// new Time(Math.min(car.getOperationalPlan().getEndTime().getSI(), x + useTimeGranularity),
// double xAtCellStartTime = initialPosition.si + initialSpeed.si * cellStartTime.si;
// double xAtCellEndTime = initialPosition.si + initialSpeed.si * cellEndTime.si;
// System.out.println("cellStartTime=" + cellStartTime + " cellEndTime=" + cellEndTime
// + " xAtCellStartTime=" + xAtCellStartTime + " xAtCellEndTime=" + xAtCellEndTime);
// double cellX = cp.getXValue(0, item);
// double cellY = cp.getYValue(0, item);
// double cellZ = cp.getZValue(0, item);
// System.out.println("cellX=" + cellX + " cellY=" + cellY + " cellZ=" + cellZ + " timeGranularity="
// + useTimeGranularity + " distanceGranularity=" + useDistanceGranularity);
// cp.getZValue(0, item);
// }
assertTrue("Z value should be NaN", Double.isNaN(z));
assertEquals("Z value should be " + expectedZValue, expectedZValue, z, 0.0001);
if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue))
assertTrue("Alternate Z value should be NaN", Double.isNaN(alternateZ.doubleValue()));
assertEquals("Alternate Z value should be " + expectedZValue, expectedZValue, alternateZ.doubleValue(),
// System.out.println("Running simulator from " + simulator.getSimulatorTime().get() + " to "
// + gtuFollowingModel.timeAfterCompletionOfStep(1));
stopTime = gtuFollowingModel.timeAfterCompletionOfStep(1).si;
simulator.runUpToAndIncluding(new Time(stopTime, TimeUnit.SI));
while (simulator.isRunning())
catch (InterruptedException ie)
ie = null; // ignore
// System.out.println("Simulator is now at " + simulator.getSimulatorTime().get());
// Check that the time range has expanded
xBins = cp.xAxisBins();
bins = cp.getItemCount(0);
double observedHighestTime = Double.MIN_VALUE;
for (int bin = 0; bin < bins; bin++)
double xValue = cp.getXValue(0, bin);
if (xValue > observedHighestTime)
observedHighestTime = xValue;
double expectedHighestTime =
Math.floor((car.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().get().si - 0.001) / useTimeGranularity) * useTimeGranularity;
assertEquals("Time range should run up to " + expectedHighestTime, expectedHighestTime, observedHighestTime, 0.0001);
// Check the updateHint method in the PointerHandler
// First get the panel that stores the result of updateHint (this is ugly)
JLabel hintPanel = null;
ChartPanel chartPanel = null;
for (Component c0 : cp.getComponents())
for (Component c1 : ((Container) c0).getComponents())
if (c1 instanceof Container)
for (Component c2 : ((Container) c1).getComponents())
// System.out.println("c2 is " + c2);
if (c2 instanceof Container)
for (Component c3 : ((Container) c2).getComponents())
// System.out.println("c3 is " + c3);
if (c3 instanceof JLabel)
if (null == hintPanel)
hintPanel = (JLabel) c3;
fail("There should be only one JPanel in a ContourPlot");
if (c3 instanceof ChartPanel)
if (null == chartPanel)
chartPanel = (ChartPanel) c3;
fail("There should be only one ChartPanel in a ContourPlot");
if (null == hintPanel)
fail("Could not find a JLabel in ContourPlot");
if (null == chartPanel)
fail("Could not find a ChartPanel in ContourPlot");
assertEquals("Initially the text should be a single space", " ", hintPanel.getText());
PointerHandler ph = null;
for (MouseListener ml : chartPanel.getMouseListeners())
if (ml instanceof PointerHandler)
if (null == ph)
ph = (PointerHandler) ml;
fail("There should be only one PointerHandler on the chartPanel");
if (null == ph)
fail("Could not find the PointerHandler for the chartPanel");
ph.updateHint(1, 2);
// System.out.println("Hint text is now " + hintPanel.getText());
assertFalse("Hint should not be a single space", " ".equals(hintPanel.getText()));
ph.updateHint(Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
assertEquals("The text should again be a single space", " ", hintPanel.getText());
* Run the DensityContourPlot stand-alone for profiling.
* @param args String[]; the command line arguments (not used)
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception
ContourPlotTest cpt = new ContourPlotTest();
System.out.println("Click the OK button");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "ContourPlot", "Start experiment", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
System.out.println("Running ...");
* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.
* $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-14 01:33:02 +0200 (Mon, 14 Sep 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1401 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
* initial version feb. 2015
* @author Peter Knoppers
class ContourPlotModel implements OTSModelInterface
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150209L;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void constructModel(SimulatorInterface