* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.
* $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-14 01:33:02 +0200 (Mon, 14 Sep 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1401 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
* initial version Aug 25, 2014
* @author Peter Knoppers
public class FundamentalDiagramPlotTest implements OTSModelInterface, UNITS
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150226L;
/** The network. */
private OTSNetwork network = new OTSNetwork("network");
/** the simulator. */
private OTSDEVSSimulatorInterface simulator;
* Test the FundamentalDiagram.
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
// XXX @Test
public final void fundamentalDiagramTest() throws Exception
this.simulator = new SimpleSimulator(new Time(0, SECOND), new Duration(0, SECOND), new Duration(1800, SECOND), this);
Duration aggregationTime = new Duration(30, SECOND);
Length position = new Length(123, METER);
Length carPosition = new Length(122.5, METER);
GTUType gtuType = CAR;
Set compatibility = new HashSet();
LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane", compatibility);
Lane lane = CarTest.makeLane(this.network, laneType);
FundamentalDiagram fd = new FundamentalDiagram("Fundamental Diagram", aggregationTime, lane, position, this.simulator);
assertEquals("SeriesCount should match numberOfLanes", 1, fd.getSeriesCount());
assertEquals("Position should match the supplied position", position.getSI(), fd.getPosition().getSI(), 0.0001);
fd.getXValue(-1, 0);
fail("Bad series should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
fd.getXValue(1, 0);
fail("Bad series should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
double value = fd.getXValue(0, 0);
assertTrue("No data should result in NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
value = fd.getX(0, 0).doubleValue();
assertTrue("No data should result in NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
value = fd.getYValue(0, 0);
assertTrue("No data should result in NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
value = fd.getY(0, 0).doubleValue();
assertTrue("No data should result in NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
ActionEvent setXToSpeed = new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "Speed/Speed");
ActionEvent resetAxis = new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "Flow/Density");
Speed speed = new Speed(100, KM_PER_HOUR);
Time time = new Time(123, SECOND);
Length length = new Length(5.0, METER);
Length width = new Length(2.0, METER);
Speed maxSpeed = new Speed(120, KM_PER_HOUR);
Set initialLongitudinalPositions = new LinkedHashSet<>(1);
initialLongitudinalPositions.add(new DirectedLanePosition(lane, carPosition, GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS));
// add a sink 100 meter before the end of the lane.
new SinkSensor(lane, new Length(lane.getLength().getSI() - 100, METER), simulator);
while (simulator.isRunning())
catch (InterruptedException ie)
ie = null; // ignore
int bucket = (int) Math.floor(time.getSI() / aggregationTime.getSI());
LaneChangeModel laneChangeModel = new Egoistic();
GTUFollowingModelOld gtuFollowingModel =
new FixedAccelerationModel(new Acceleration(0, METER_PER_SECOND_2), new Duration(1000, SECOND));
// Construct a car
BehavioralCharacteristics behavioralCharacteristics = DefaultTestParameters.create();
LaneBasedIndividualGTU gtu = new LaneBasedIndividualGTU("1", gtuType, length, width, maxSpeed, simulator, this.network);
LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner strategicalPlanner = new LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner(behavioralCharacteristics,
new LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner(gtuFollowingModel, laneChangeModel, gtu), gtu);
gtu.init(strategicalPlanner, initialLongitudinalPositions, speed);
simulator.runUpTo(new Time(124, SECOND));
while (simulator.isRunning())
catch (InterruptedException ie)
ie = null; // ignore
for (int sample = 0; sample < 10; sample++)
boolean shouldHaveData = sample == bucket;
value = fd.getXValue(0, sample);
// System.out.println("value of sample " + sample + " is " + value);
if (shouldHaveData)
double expectedDensity = 3600 / aggregationTime.getSI() / speed.getSI();
// assertEquals("Density should be " + expectedDensity, expectedDensity, value, 0.00001);
assertTrue("Data should be NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
value = fd.getX(0, sample).doubleValue();
if (shouldHaveData)
double expectedDensity = 3600 / aggregationTime.getSI() / speed.getSI();
assertEquals("Density should be " + expectedDensity, expectedDensity, value, 0.00001);
assertTrue("Data should be NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
shouldHaveData = sample <= bucket;
value = fd.getYValue(0, sample);
if (shouldHaveData)
double expectedFlow = sample == bucket ? 3600 / aggregationTime.getSI() : 0;
assertEquals("Flow should be " + expectedFlow, expectedFlow, value, 0.00001);
assertTrue("Data should be NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
value = fd.getY(0, sample).doubleValue();
if (shouldHaveData)
double expectedFlow = sample == bucket ? 3600 / aggregationTime.getSI() : 0;
assertEquals("Flow should be " + expectedFlow, expectedFlow, value, 0.00001);
assertTrue("Data should be NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
value = fd.getYValue(0, sample);
if (shouldHaveData)
double expectedSpeed = sample == bucket ? speed.getInUnit() : 0;
assertEquals("Speed should be " + expectedSpeed, expectedSpeed, value, 0.00001);
assertTrue("Data should be NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
value = fd.getY(0, sample).doubleValue();
if (shouldHaveData)
double expectedSpeed = sample == bucket ? speed.getInUnit() : 0;
assertEquals("Speed should be " + expectedSpeed, expectedSpeed, value, 0.00001);
assertTrue("Data should be NaN", java.lang.Double.isNaN(value));
// Check that harmonic mean speed is computed
speed = new Speed(10, KM_PER_HOUR);
behavioralCharacteristics = DefaultTestParameters.create();
LaneBasedIndividualGTU gtuX =
new LaneBasedIndividualGTU("1234", gtuType, length, width, maxSpeed, simulator, this.network);
strategicalPlanner = new LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner(behavioralCharacteristics,
new LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner(gtuFollowingModel, laneChangeModel, gtuX), gtuX);
gtuX.init(strategicalPlanner, initialLongitudinalPositions, speed);
simulator.runUpTo(new Time(125, SECOND));
while (simulator.isRunning())
catch (InterruptedException ie)
ie = null; // ignore
value = fd.getYValue(0, bucket);
double expected = 2d / (1d / 100 + 1d / 10);
// System.out.println("harmonic speed is " + value + ", expected is " + expected);
assertEquals("Harmonic mean of 10 and 100 is " + expected, expected, value, 0.0001);
// Test the actionPerformed method with various malformed ActionEvents.
fd.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "bla"));
fail("Bad ActionEvent should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
fd.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "Speed/bla"));
fail("Bad ActionEvent should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
fd.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "Flow/bla"));
fail("Bad ActionEvent should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
fd.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "Density/bla"));
fail("Bad ActionEvent should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
fd.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "bla/Speed"));
fail("Bad ActionEvent should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
fd.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "bla/Flow"));
fail("Bad ActionEvent should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
fd.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(fd, 0, "bla/Density"));
fail("Bad ActionEvent should have thrown an Error");
catch (Error e)
// Ignore
* Test the updateHint method in the PointerHandler.
* @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
public final void testHints() throws Exception
this.simulator = new SimpleSimulator(new Time(0, SECOND), new Duration(0, SECOND), new Duration(1800, SECOND), this);
Duration aggregationTime = new Duration(30, SECOND);
Length position = new Length(123, METER);
Set compatibility = new HashSet();
LaneType laneType = new LaneType("CarLane", compatibility);
FundamentalDiagram fd = new FundamentalDiagram("Fundamental Diagram", aggregationTime,
CarTest.makeLane(this.network, laneType), position, this.simulator);
// First get the panel that stores the result of updateHint (this is ugly)
JLabel hintPanel = null;
ChartPanel chartPanel = null;
for (Component c0 : fd.getComponents())
for (Component c1 : ((Container) c0).getComponents())
if (c1 instanceof Container)
for (Component c2 : ((Container) c1).getComponents())
// System.out.println("c2 is " + c2);
if (c2 instanceof Container)
for (Component c3 : ((Container) c2).getComponents())
// System.out.println("c3 is " + c3);
if (c3 instanceof JLabel)
if (null == hintPanel)
hintPanel = (JLabel) c3;
fail("There should be only one JPanel in a FundamentalDiagram");
if (c3 instanceof ChartPanel)
if (null == chartPanel)
chartPanel = (ChartPanel) c3;
fail("There should be only one ChartPanel in a FundamentalDiagram");
if (null == hintPanel)
fail("Could not find a JLabel in FundamentalDiagram");
if (null == chartPanel)
fail("Could not find a ChartPanel in FundamentalDiagram");
assertEquals("Initially the text should be a single space", " ", hintPanel.getText());
PointerHandler ph = null;
for (MouseListener ml : chartPanel.getMouseListeners())
if (ml instanceof PointerHandler)
if (null == ph)
ph = (PointerHandler) ml;
fail("There should be only one PointerHandler on the chartPanel");
if (null == ph)
fail("Could not find the PointerHandler for the chartPanel");
ph.updateHint(1, 2);
// System.out.println("Hint text is now " + hintPanel.getText());
assertFalse("Hint should not be a single space", " ".equals(hintPanel.getText()));
ph.updateHint(java.lang.Double.NaN, java.lang.Double.NaN);
assertEquals("The text should again be a single space", " ", hintPanel.getText());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void constructModel(SimulatorInterface