----------------------- OTS-AIMSUN-PROTO ----------------------- September, 2018 ----------------------- OTS - Open Traffic Simulation connection to AIMSUN. This project contains the protobuf classes for linking AIMSUN to OTS. Most of the code is generated, therefore checkstyle and other code quality checkers have been turned off for this project. The ots-aimsun project enables model editing and model running with AIMSUN: * network editing. * starting and stopping of model execution. * viewing of animation within AIMSUN. * viewing of statistics within AIMSUN. [] ====== OpenTrafficSim has an open source BSD 3-clause license. * Third party components used in OpenTrafficSim can not have a license that is more restrictive than BSD, Apache, MIT, LGPL, Eclipse. * OpenTrafficSim can be incorporated in part or in full in other products for any use (educational, commercial, whatever). * OpenTrafficSim may be extended, evolved by anyone into anything else for any purpose. []