# Trafcod rules for D:\amsalomons\My Documents\surfdrive\Documents\____TrafcodTest\simpleTest.vri # Produced 2016-11-15 11:33:57 # tfc output from Version: 3.40 Version Date: 2016-05-12 Time: 15:23:44 # trafcod-version=100 # ************************************************************************* # *** Selected sequence *** # *** Structure: 1 *** # ************************************************************************* # Sequence # Conflictgroups Conflictgroupsize 1 2 # Selected sequence # Structure: 1 08 11 # ************************************************************************* # *** TRAFFIC *** # ************************************************************************* F=F08+F11+ 0 FM=FM08+FM11+ 0 # *** STRUCTURE SEQUENCE HANDLING *** MRbN.=MRV11.TMN MRaN.=MRV08.TMN # row activations for MRV's RAb=A11.MRVN11 RAa=A08.MRVN08 MRb.=EMRa MRa.=EMRb %init MRV08 1 %init MRV11 0 %init MRa %init MP0811 RITM.=SMRa+SMRb %time TM 1 # ************************************************************************* # *** EXPLANATION *** # *** *** # *** PHASE TIME: *** # *** *** # *** G : Green *** # *** GP : Parallel green *** # *** GX : eXtension green *** # *** GW : Waiting green *** # *** GF : Fixed time green *** # *** GA : Advance green *** # *** L : yeLlow *** # *** R : Red *** # *** *** # *** TIMERS: *** # *** *** # *** TGF : Fixed green *** # *** TGX : eXtention green *** # *** TGG : Guarantee green *** # *** TL : yeLlow time *** # *** TRG : Guarantee red *** # *** TOFF : Offset time: not used yet *** # *** TGXC : eXtention green extra: not used yet *** # *** *** # *** CONTROLLERS: *** # *** *** # *** A : Actuation *** # *** B : Blocking start green *** # *** Y : Yielding start green *** # *** Z : Cut off (forced end of green) *** # *** O : Omit (skip by passing through in 0 sec) *** # *** *** # ************************************************************************* #************************************************************ PHASE 08 *** # ************************************************************************* # *** PHASE 08 CONFLICT HANDLING *** # ************************************************************************* RITO1108.=SR11 %time TO1108 0 KP1108.=SG11 KPN1108.=ETO1108.R11 K08=KP1108+ 0 # ************************************************************************* # *** Traffic : F *** # *** *** # *** Real : Fr *** # *** Actual : Fa *** # *** Coordination : Fc *** # *** Induced : Fi *** # *** Virtual : Fv (also generated if waiting green) *** # *** *** # *** Conflicting : FK *** # *** Real Conflicting : FKr *** # *** *** # *** Module : FM *** # ************************************************************************* FaN08.=GP08.XN08 Fa08.=R08.(D081+D082+0) Fr08=Fa08.ON08 F08=Fr08.ON08.GPN08 FK08=F11+ 0 FKr08=Fr11+ 0 FM08=F08.FK08 # ************************************************************************* # *** Demand conflicting traffic: AK *** # ************************************************************************* AK08 = A11 # ************************************************************************* # *** SEQUENCE HANDLING *** # *** (structure) *** # ************************************************************************* MRVN08 .= MRb MRV08 .= MRa.TMN.(GP08+GW08.CW08.FM+FN08) MPN1108 .= MP0811+EA11+O11+FN11 MP1108 .= F11.F08.AN11.R11.(MRa.MRV08+MRb.MRVN11+0) MPT08 = F08.(MPN1108)+FKN08 # ************************************************************************* # *** Actuation: A *** # ************************************************************************* AN08 .= EGX08 + GW08.CW08.XN08 +Y08 A08 .= YN08.R08.TRGN08.(F08.MPT08.MRVN08+Fr08.FKN08.ON08) # ************************************************************************* # *** Blocking criterion: B *** # *** (before RN) *** # ************************************************************************* B08 = K08+TRG08+G08+L08 # ************************************************************************* # *** Yielding start : Y *** # *** By conflics : Yk *** # *** Start delay : Yd *** # *** Vehicle coordination : Yv *** # *** Yield by coordination cut off : Yz *** # *** Yield conflicting queue discharge : Yq *** # *** Yield opposing streams with common start : Yo *** # ************************************************************************* Yk08=(A11+0).(MRaN+0) Y08 = Yk08+MRV08.FK08 # ************************************************************************* # *** Cut Off Criterion: Z *** # *** Zp (by priority stream) *** # *** Zv (coordination cut off vehicles) *** # *** Zs (priority cut off) *** # *** Za (alternative cut off) *** # *** Zg (maximum green off) *** # *** Zr (ramp metering request green off) *** # *** Zq (cut off green because of queue) *** # ************************************************************************* # ************************************************************************* # *** Omitting: O *** # *** Help: HO *** # ************************************************************************* # ************************************************************************* # *** End Green *** # ************************************************************************* GN08 .= EGP08 # ************************************************************************* # *** Parallel Green: GP *** # *** (continue): CP *** # *** CPb: basis parallel green *** # *** CPs: (stategy, see tactics) *** # *** CPi: parallel induced *** # *** CPv: parallel green coordination vehicles *** # *** CPp: parallel green coordination peds/bikes *** # ************************************************************************* CPb08=FM.MPTN11.F CP08=CPb08 GPN08 .= TGGN08.(CPN08+Z08+O08) GP08 .= EGX08 RITGG08.=MPT08.GN08.ON08 %time TGG08 40 # ************************************************************************* # *** Extension Green: GX *** # *** *** # *** Extension criterion: X: *** # *** Xr (extend by request detector) *** # *** Xx (extend by extension detector) *** # *** Xv (coordination lag end follow vehicle) *** # *** Xp (coordination lag end follow peds/bikes) *** # *** Xt (extend by transit detector) *** # ************************************************************************* Xx081 .= G08.(D082+DN082.TD082) Xx081N .= SR08+DN082.ETD082 RITD082.=D082 %time TD082 15 Xx08=Xx081 Xr081 .= (D081+DN081.TD081) Xr081N .= SR08+DN081.ETD081 RITD081.=D081 %time TD081 25 Xr08.=Xr081.XxN08 XrN08.=Xr081N+Xx08 X08 = Xr08+Xx08 GXN08 .= MRa.ETGX08+MRaN.AK08+XN08+Z08+O08 GX08 .= EGW08 RITGX08.=MRa.SGX08 + SMRa.GX08 %time TGX08 210 # ************************************************************************* # *** Waiting Green: GW *** # *** (continue): CW: *** # *** CWs (strategy, see tactics) *** # *** CWv (coordination vehicles) *** # *** CWp (coordination pedestrians and bikes) *** # *** CWd (traffic demand and no conflicting traffic) *** # *** CWt (transit priority) *** # *** Xt (extend by transit detector) *** # ************************************************************************* CWd08 = Fr08.X08.FKN08 CW08 = CWd08 GWN08 .= CWN08+Z08+O08 GW08 .= EGF08 # ************************************************************************* # *** Fixed time Green: GF *** # ************************************************************************* GFN08 .= TGFN08+Z08+O08 GF08 .= EGA08 RITGF08.=SGF08 %time TGF08 60 # ************************************************************************* # *** Advance Green: GA *** # *** (continue): CA *** # *** CAb (basis CA) *** # *** CAv (coordination vehicles) *** # ************************************************************************* CA08 = 0 GAN08 .= CAN08+Z08+O08 GA08 .= SG08 # ************************************************************************* # *** YeLLow: L *** # ************************************************************************* LN08 .= TLN08 L08 .= EG08 RITL08.=SL08.HON08 %time TL08 30 # ************************************************************************* # *** Green: G *** # ************************************************************************* G08 .= ER08 # ************************************************************************* # *** Red: R *** # ************************************************************************* RN08 .=TRGN08.A08.BN08 R08 .=EL08 RITRG08.=SR08.HON08 %time TRG08 30 # ************************************************************************* # *** PHASE 08 INITIALIZE VARIABLES *** # *** all stream to red (R) *** # *** all streams have minimum guarantee red period (TRG) *** # *** all streams have actual traffic (Fa) *** # ************************************************************************* %init R08 %init Re08 %init TRG08 %init Fa08 # ************************************************************************* # *** PHASE 08 EXTERN DISPLAY *** # ************************************************************************* Ge08 .=SG08 GeN08 .=EG08 GLe08 .=SL08 GLeN08.=EL08 Re08 .=SR08 ReN08 .=ER08 %export GE08 71 %export GLE08 89 %export RE08 82 #************************************************************ PHASE 11 *** # ************************************************************************* # *** PHASE 11 CONFLICT HANDLING *** # ************************************************************************* RITO0811.=SR08 %time TO0811 0 KP0811.=SG08 KPN0811.=ETO0811.R08 K11=KP0811+ 0 # ************************************************************************* # *** Traffic : F *** # *** *** # *** Real : Fr *** # *** Actual : Fa *** # *** Coordination : Fc *** # *** Induced : Fi *** # *** Virtual : Fv (also generated if waiting green) *** # *** *** # *** Conflicting : FK *** # *** Real Conflicting : FKr *** # *** *** # *** Module : FM *** # ************************************************************************* FaN11.=GP11.XN11 Fa11.=R11.(D111+D112+0) Fr11=Fa11.ON11 F11=Fr11.ON11.GPN11 FK11=F08+ 0 FKr11=Fr08+ 0 FM11=F11.FK11 # ************************************************************************* # *** Demand conflicting traffic: AK *** # ************************************************************************* AK11 = A08 # ************************************************************************* # *** SEQUENCE HANDLING *** # *** (structure) *** # ************************************************************************* MRVN11 .= MRa MRV11 .= MRb.TMN.(GP11+GW11.CW11.FM+FN11) MPN0811 .= MP1108+EA08+O08+FN08 MP0811 .= F08.F11.AN08.R08.(MRb.MRV11+MRa.MRVN08+0) MPT11 = F11.(MPN0811)+FKN11 # ************************************************************************* # *** Actuation: A *** # ************************************************************************* AN11 .= EGX11 + GW11.CW11.XN11 +Y11 A11 .= YN11.R11.TRGN11.(F11.MPT11.MRVN11+Fr11.FKN11.ON11) # ************************************************************************* # *** Blocking criterion: B *** # *** (before RN) *** # ************************************************************************* B11 = K11+TRG11+G11+L11 # ************************************************************************* # *** Yielding start : Y *** # *** By conflics : Yk *** # *** Start delay : Yd *** # *** Vehicle coordination : Yv *** # *** Yield by coordination cut off : Yz *** # *** Yield conflicting queue discharge : Yq *** # *** Yield opposing streams with common start : Yo *** # ************************************************************************* Yk11=(A08+0).(MRbN+0) Y11 = Yk11+MRV11.FK11 # ************************************************************************* # *** Cut Off Criterion: Z *** # *** Zp (by priority stream) *** # *** Zv (coordination cut off vehicles) *** # *** Zs (priority cut off) *** # *** Za (alternative cut off) *** # *** Zg (maximum green off) *** # *** Zr (ramp metering request green off) *** # *** Zq (cut off green because of queue) *** # ************************************************************************* # ************************************************************************* # *** Omitting: O *** # *** Help: HO *** # ************************************************************************* # ************************************************************************* # *** End Green *** # ************************************************************************* GN11 .= EGP11 # ************************************************************************* # *** Parallel Green: GP *** # *** (continue): CP *** # *** CPb: basis parallel green *** # *** CPs: (stategy, see tactics) *** # *** CPi: parallel induced *** # *** CPv: parallel green coordination vehicles *** # *** CPp: parallel green coordination peds/bikes *** # ************************************************************************* CPb11=FM.MPTN08.F CP11=CPb11 GPN11 .= TGGN11.(CPN11+Z11+O11) GP11 .= EGX11 RITGG11.=MPT11.GN11.ON11 %time TGG11 40 # ************************************************************************* # *** Extension Green: GX *** # *** *** # *** Extension criterion: X: *** # *** Xr (extend by request detector) *** # *** Xx (extend by extension detector) *** # *** Xv (coordination lag end follow vehicle) *** # *** Xp (coordination lag end follow peds/bikes) *** # *** Xt (extend by transit detector) *** # ************************************************************************* Xx111 .= G11.(D112+DN112.TD112) Xx111N .= SR11+DN112.ETD112 RITD112.=D112 %time TD112 15 Xx11=Xx111 Xr111 .= (D111+DN111.TD111) Xr111N .= SR11+DN111.ETD111 RITD111.=D111 %time TD111 25 Xr11.=Xr111.XxN11 XrN11.=Xr111N+Xx11 X11 = Xr11+Xx11 GXN11 .= MRb.ETGX11+MRbN.AK11+XN11+Z11+O11 GX11 .= EGW11 RITGX11.=MRb.SGX11 + SMRb.GX11 %time TGX11 210 # ************************************************************************* # *** Waiting Green: GW *** # *** (continue): CW: *** # *** CWs (strategy, see tactics) *** # *** CWv (coordination vehicles) *** # *** CWp (coordination pedestrians and bikes) *** # *** CWd (traffic demand and no conflicting traffic) *** # *** CWt (transit priority) *** # *** Xt (extend by transit detector) *** # ************************************************************************* CWd11 = Fr11.X11.FKN11 CW11 = CWd11 GWN11 .= CWN11+Z11+O11 GW11 .= EGF11 # ************************************************************************* # *** Fixed time Green: GF *** # ************************************************************************* GFN11 .= TGFN11+Z11+O11 GF11 .= EGA11 RITGF11.=SGF11 %time TGF11 60 # ************************************************************************* # *** Advance Green: GA *** # *** (continue): CA *** # *** CAb (basis CA) *** # *** CAv (coordination vehicles) *** # ************************************************************************* CA11 = 0 GAN11 .= CAN11+Z11+O11 GA11 .= SG11 # ************************************************************************* # *** YeLLow: L *** # ************************************************************************* LN11 .= TLN11 L11 .= EG11 RITL11.=SL11.HON11 %time TL11 30 # ************************************************************************* # *** Green: G *** # ************************************************************************* G11 .= ER11 # ************************************************************************* # *** Red: R *** # ************************************************************************* RN11 .=TRGN11.A11.BN11 R11 .=EL11 RITRG11.=SR11.HON11 %time TRG11 30 # ************************************************************************* # *** PHASE 11 INITIALIZE VARIABLES *** # *** all stream to red (R) *** # *** all streams have minimum guarantee red period (TRG) *** # *** all streams have actual traffic (Fa) *** # ************************************************************************* %init R11 %init Re11 %init TRG11 %init Fa11 # ************************************************************************* # *** PHASE 11 EXTERN DISPLAY *** # ************************************************************************* Ge11 .=SG11 GeN11 .=EG11 GLe11 .=SL11 GLeN11.=EL11 Re11 .=SR11 ReN11 .=ER11 %export GE11 71 %export GLE11 89 %export RE11 82