----------------------- OTS-DRAW ----------------------- December, 2018 ----------------------- OTS - Open Traffic Simulation Swing-based drawing classes. The ots-draw project provides classes to draw on a AWT Graphics2D canvas. The classes can be used for ots-swing and ots-web. The latter uses a virtual Graphics2D canvas. The main components are: * generic classes to draw lines, shapes, polygons and text. * classes to make traffic-relevant plots. * classes to draw cars and car generators. * classes to draw lane structures. * classes to draw network components (links, nodes). * classes to draw static objects. * classes to draw road-specific structures such as lanes, shoulders, stripes, speed signs, sensors, and traffic lights. [] ====== OpenTrafficSim has an open source BSD 3-clause license. * Third party components used in OpenTrafficSim can not have a license that is more restrictive than BSD, Apache, MIT, LGPL, Eclipse. * OpenTrafficSim can be incorporated in part or in full in other products for any use (educational, commercial, whatever). * OpenTrafficSim may be extended, evolved by anyone into anything else for any purpose. []