DEADEND: stop for dead-end during synchronization. PASSIVE (default): follow first leader in target lane. ALIGNGAP: align to middle of adjacent gap. ACTIVE: actively consider whether gaps can be reached in time (not advised). PASSIVE (default): follow potential lane changer. PASSIVEMOVING: follow potential lane changer except at very low ego-speed. ACTIVE: actively consider whether the potential lane changer can make the gap. INFORMED: aware of desired headway of potential follower. EGOHEADWAY (default): potential follower evaluated with own desired headway. NONE (default): no tailgating. RHOONLY: pressure parameter affects other traffic, ego headway not affected. PRESSURE: ego headway and surrounding traffic affected. ROUTE: route and infrastructure. GETINLANE: earlier lane change when traffic on target lane is slow. BUSSTOP: for scheduled busses. KEEP: keep right. SPEEDWITHCOURTESY: based on anticipated speed, and potential lane changers. COURTESY: get or stay out of the way for lane change desire of others. SOCIOSPEED: get or stay out of the way for desired speed of others. STAYRIGHT: incentive for trucks to stay on the right-most two lanes, interpreted in line with the route. BUSSTOP: for scheduled busses to stop. CONFLICTS: consider intersection conflicts. SPEEDLIMITTRANSITION: decelerate for lower speed limit ahead. TRAFFICLIGHTS: consider traffic lights. NORIGHTOVERTAKE: follow left leader, in some circumstances. SOCIO wraps another desired speed model and adapts it with social consideration. CLASS: category by class name, should have LanePerception as constructor parameter, and optionally a second HeadwayGtuType parameter. BUSSTOP: perceive bus stops for scheduled busses. INFRASTRUCTURE: infrastructure. INTERSECTION: conflicts and traffic lights. NEIGHBORS: surrounding GTUs. TRAFFIC: speed and density on lanes. WRAP: perfect perception. PERCEIVED: imperfect (delayed) perception with estimation and anticipation. Estimation entails perfect (NONE) or under- or overestimation (UNDERESTIMATION, OVERESTIMATION) of the delayed speed and headway. Anticipation entails NONE, CONSTANTSPEED or CONSTANTACCELERATION, where the latter two anticipate to compensate the delay. Implementations of Task with constructor without input. Implementations of BehavioralAdaptation with constructor without input (value CLASS, with CLASS attribute), or a default. SITUATIONALAWARENESS: sets parameters for situational awareness and reaction time. HEADWAY: increases the headway with high task demand. SPEED: decreases speed with high task demand. SUMMATIVE: add task demand of tasks. ANTICIPATIONRELIANCE: rely on anticipation to reduce task demand of secondary task(s).