package org.opentrafficsim.demo.ntm; import; import; import; import org.djunits.unit.FrequencyUnit; import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit; import org.opentrafficsim.demo.ntm.NTMNode.TrafficBehaviourType; /** *

* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License. *

* $LastChangedDate$, @version $Revision$, by $Author$, * initial version 27 Jan 2015
* @author Alexander Verbraeck * @author Hans van Lint * @author Peter Knoppers * @author Guus Tamminga * @author Yufei Yuan */ public class CsvFileWriter { public static void writeParametersNTM(NTMModel model, String pathAndFile) throws IOException { // temporary: make a file with NTM parameters per area BufferedWriter parametersNTMOut = null; String textOut; File fileParametersNTM = new File(pathAndFile); parametersNTMOut = WriteOutput.createWriter(fileParametersNTM); for (NTMNode node : model.getAreaGraph().vertexSet()) { if (node.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM) { BoundedNode bNode = (BoundedNode) node; CellBehaviourNTM nodeBehaviour = (CellBehaviourNTM) bNode.getCellBehaviour(); textOut = bNode.getArea().getCentroidNr(); textOut += ", "; textOut += String.format("%.1f", nodeBehaviour.getParametersNTM().getAccCritical().get(0)); textOut += ", "; textOut += String.format("%.1f", nodeBehaviour.getParametersNTM().getAccCritical().get(1)); textOut += ", "; textOut += String.format("%.1f", nodeBehaviour.getParametersNTM().getAccCritical().get(2)); textOut += ", "; textOut += String.format("%.1f", (nodeBehaviour.getMaxCapacityNTMArea().getInUnit(FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR)) / nodeBehaviour.getParametersNTM().getRoadLength().getInUnit(LengthUnit.KILOMETER)); parametersNTMOut.write(textOut + " \n"); } } parametersNTMOut.close(); } // temporary: end public static void writeCapresNTM(NTMModel model, String pathAndFile, Double factor) throws IOException { BufferedWriter capResFileWriter = null; File filecapRestraintsAreas = new File(pathAndFile); capResFileWriter = WriteOutput.createWriter(filecapRestraintsAreas); boolean header = true; for (NTMNode origin : model.getAreaGraph().vertexSet()) { if (origin.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM | origin.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.CORDON) { String textOutCapRes = origin.getId(); String textHeader = "Capacity"; for (NTMNode destination : model.getAreaGraph().vertexSet()) { if (destination.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM | destination.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.CORDON) { if (header) { textHeader += ", "; textHeader += destination.getId(); } double capacity = 999999; if (origin.getId() != destination.getId()) { if (model.getAreaGraph().getEdge(origin, destination) != null) { if (factor == 0.0) { capacity = model.getAreaGraph().getEdge(origin, destination).getLink().getCorridorCapacity() .getInUnit(FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR); } else { capacity = factor; } } } textOutCapRes += ", "; textOutCapRes += String.format("%.1f", capacity); } } if (header) { capResFileWriter.write(textHeader + " \n"); header = false; } capResFileWriter.write(textOutCapRes + " \n"); } } capResFileWriter.close(); // temporary: end // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } }