package org.opentrafficsim.demo.ntm; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Random; import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit; import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit; import org.djunits.unit.SpeedUnit; import org.jgrapht.GraphPath; import org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.FloydWarshallShortestPaths; import; import org.opentrafficsim.demo.ntm.NTMNode.TrafficBehaviourType; /** *

* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License. *

* $LastChangedDate$, @version $Revision$, by $Author$, * initial version 22 Jan 2015
* @author Alexander Verbraeck * @author Hans van Lint * @author Peter Knoppers * @author Guus Tamminga * @author Yufei Yuan */ public class Routes { public final static long seed = 100; public static Random fRandom = new Random(seed); /** * @param model NTMModel; * @param numberOfRoutes int; * @param weight_newRoutes double; * @param VARIANCE double; * @param initiateSimulation boolean; * @param steps int; * @param MAXSTEPS int; * @throws IOException */ public static void createRoutes(NTMModel model, int numberOfRoutes, double weight_newRoutes, double VARIANCE, final boolean initiateSimulation, int steps, int MAXSTEPS) throws IOException { // every route receives a fixed share java.lang.Double addShare = (double) (1.0 / numberOfRoutes); /** */ BufferedWriter dataRoutesNTMOut = null; String fileName = "/ALLroutes"; File file = new File(model.getSettingsNTM().getPath() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + steps + ".txt"); dataRoutesNTMOut = WriteOutput.createWriter(file); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRoutes; i++) { // create stochastic link edge weights for (LinkEdge le : model.getAreaGraph().edgeSet()) { double rateCongestedVersusFreeTravelTime = 1.0; BoundedNode startNode = (BoundedNode) model.getNodeAreaGraphMap().get(le.getLink().getStartNode().getId()); BoundedNode endNode = (BoundedNode) model.getNodeAreaGraphMap().get(le.getLink().getEndNode().getId()); if (!initiateSimulation) { if (startNode.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM && endNode.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM) { CellBehaviourNTM cellBehaviourStart = (CellBehaviourNTM) startNode.getCellBehaviour(); if (cellBehaviourStart.getAccumulatedCars() > 0) { double currentSpeedStart = cellBehaviourStart .retrieveCurrentSpeed(cellBehaviourStart.getAccumulatedCars(), cellBehaviourStart.getArea().getRoadLength()) .getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); double freeSpeedStart = cellBehaviourStart.getParametersNTM().getFreeSpeed().getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); rateCongestedVersusFreeTravelTime = 0.5 * freeSpeedStart / currentSpeedStart; CellBehaviourNTM cellBehaviourEnd = (CellBehaviourNTM) endNode.getCellBehaviour(); double currentSpeedEnd = cellBehaviourEnd .retrieveCurrentSpeed(cellBehaviourEnd.getAccumulatedCars(), cellBehaviourStart.getArea().getRoadLength()) .getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); double freeSpeedEnd = cellBehaviourEnd.getParametersNTM().getFreeSpeed().getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); rateCongestedVersusFreeTravelTime += 0.5 * freeSpeedEnd / currentSpeedEnd; } } else if (startNode.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.FLOW && endNode.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.FLOW) { // the endNode of this edge is the "Neighbour" area LinkCellTransmission ctmLink = (LinkCellTransmission) le.getLink(); double freeTime = ctmLink.getDuration().getInUnit(DurationUnit.SECOND); double currrentTime = ctmLink.retrieveActualTime().getInUnit(DurationUnit.SECOND); rateCongestedVersusFreeTravelTime = currrentTime / freeTime; if (rateCongestedVersusFreeTravelTime > 10000) { System.out.println("Start: " + startNode.getId() + " End node: " + endNode.getId() + " currentTime: " + currrentTime + " freeTime: " + currrentTime); double testCurrrentTime = ctmLink.retrieveActualTime().getInUnit(DurationUnit.SECOND); } } } if (startNode.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.CORDON || endNode.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.CORDON) { rateCongestedVersusFreeTravelTime = 999999; } double speed = le.getLink().getFreeSpeed().getInUnit(SpeedUnit.METER_PER_SECOND); double length = le.getLink().getLength().getInUnit(LengthUnit.METER); double travelTime = length / speed; // double weight = // rateCongestedVersusFreeTravelTime * model.getAreaGraph().getEdgeWeight(le) * Gaussian(VARIANCE, 100); double weight = rateCongestedVersusFreeTravelTime * travelTime * Gaussian(fRandom, VARIANCE); model.getAreaGraph().setEdgeWeight(le, weight); } FloydWarshallShortestPaths> allPaths = new FloydWarshallShortestPaths<>(model.getAreaGraph()); Collection>> sp1 = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (NTMNode source : model.getAreaGraph().vertexSet()) { for (NTMNode sink : model.getAreaGraph().vertexSet()) { sp1.add(allPaths.getPath(source, sink)); } } // assign a share to every route (i) for (GraphPath> path : sp1) { BoundedNode origin = (BoundedNode) path.getStartVertex(); BoundedNode destination = (BoundedNode) path.getEndVertex(); // only generate to "real" destinations if (destination.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM || destination.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.CORDON) { // determine the start and end node of the first edge that starts from the origin // the endNode of this edge is the "Neighbour" area BoundedNode startNode = (BoundedNode) path.getEdgeList().get(0).getLink().getStartNode(); BoundedNode endNode = (BoundedNode) path.getEdgeList().get(0).getLink().getEndNode(); // the order of endNode and startNode of the edge seems to be not consistent!!!!!! if (origin.equals(endNode)) { endNode = startNode; } double weightNew = 0.0; if (origin.getId().equals("1")) { System.out.println("dest " + destination.getId() + " neighbour: " + endNode.getId()); } // only at first step of the simulation: initiate variables if (initiateSimulation) { weightNew = 1.0; if (i == 0) { LinkedHashMap neighbours = new LinkedHashMap(); LinkedHashMap accumulatedCarsToNeighbour = new LinkedHashMap(); LinkedHashMap demandToNeighbour = new LinkedHashMap(); TripInfoByDestination tripInfoByNode = new TripInfoByDestination(neighbours, accumulatedCarsToNeighbour, demandToNeighbour, destination); origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().put(destination, tripInfoByNode); } } // during the simulation: reset the weight of the old routes (1-weight_newRoutes) and add the new // routes else { weightNew = weight_newRoutes; // reset the "old" shares with the weight_newRoutes if (i == 0) { for (BoundedNode node : origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination) .getRouteFractionToNeighbours().keySet()) { java.lang.Double oldShare = origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap() .get(destination).getRouteFractionToNeighbours().get(node); origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination) .getRouteFractionToNeighbours().put(node, (1 - weightNew) * oldShare); } } } // for all node - destination pairs add information on their first neighbour on the shortest path BoundedNode neighbour = (BoundedNode) model.getNodeAreaGraphMap().get(endNode.getId()); java.lang.Double share = 0.0; if (origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination).getRouteFractionToNeighbours() .containsKey(neighbour)) { share = origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination) .getRouteFractionToNeighbours().get(neighbour); if (share > 0.0) { System.out.println("Share: " + share); } } origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination).getRouteFractionToNeighbours() .put(neighbour, share + weightNew * addShare); // create a field to store accumulated cars to a certain neighbour on its path to a destination if (!origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination) .getAccumulatedCarsToNeighbour().containsKey(neighbour)) { origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination).getAccumulatedCarsToNeighbour() .put(neighbour, 0.0); origin.getCellBehaviour().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination).getDemandToNeighbour() .put(neighbour, 0.0); } if (startNode == null || neighbour == null || destination == null) { System.out.println("Floyd"); } WriteOutput.writeOutputRoutesNTM(model, steps, i, origin, neighbour, destination, MAXSTEPS, dataRoutesNTMOut, share, weightNew * addShare, path.getWeight()); // only for initialisation of routes over the flow Links; if (path.getEdgeList().get(0).getLink().getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.FLOW) { // for the flow links we create the trip info by Node also for the flow cells LinkCellTransmission ctmLink = (LinkCellTransmission) model.getAreaGraph().getEdge(origin, neighbour).getLink(); // Loop through the cells and do transmission for (FlowCell cell : ctmLink.getCells()) { // only at first step: initiate variables if (initiateSimulation) { LinkedHashMap neighbours = new LinkedHashMap(); LinkedHashMap accumulatedCarsToNeighbour = new LinkedHashMap(); LinkedHashMap demandToNeighbour = new LinkedHashMap(); TripInfoByDestination tripInfoByNode = new TripInfoByDestination(neighbours, accumulatedCarsToNeighbour, demandToNeighbour, destination); cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().put(destination, tripInfoByNode); } else { if (cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination) == null) { LinkedHashMap neighbours = new LinkedHashMap(); LinkedHashMap accumulatedCarsToNeighbour = new LinkedHashMap(); LinkedHashMap demandToNeighbour = new LinkedHashMap(); TripInfoByDestination tripInfoByNode = new TripInfoByDestination(neighbours, accumulatedCarsToNeighbour, demandToNeighbour, destination); cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().put(destination, tripInfoByNode); } } cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getTripInfoByDestinationMap().get(destination) .getRouteFractionToNeighbours().put(neighbour, 1.0); } } } } } dataRoutesNTMOut.close(); } /** * @param fRandom * @param VARIANCE double; * @return */ public static double Gaussian(Random random, double VARIANCE) { double MEAN = 100.0f; double number = MEAN + random.nextGaussian() * VARIANCE; return number / 100; } }