package org.opentrafficsim.demo.ntm; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.djunits.unit.FrequencyUnit; import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit; import org.djunits.unit.SpeedUnit; import; import; import; import; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString; import org.locationtech.jts.linearref.LengthIndexedLine; import; import org.opentrafficsim.demo.ntm.NTMNode.TrafficBehaviourType; import org.opentrafficsim.demo.ntm.animation.TimeSeriesChart; import org.opentrafficsim.demo.ntm.trafficdemand.TripInfo; /** *

* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License. *

* $LastChangedDate$, @version $Revision$, by $Author$, * initial version 28 Jan 2015
* @author Alexander Verbraeck * @author Hans van Lint * @author Peter Knoppers * @author Guus Tamminga * @author Yufei Yuan */ public class WriteOutput { // INPUTDATA /** */ static final int MAXSTEPS = 1080; /** */ static final int MAXZONES = 500; // /CELLS /** */ static BufferedWriter dataLaneLengthOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataLanesPerCellOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataAccumulationCellsOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataSpeedCellsOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataParametersFDOut = null; /** */ static Double[][] accumulationCells = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][] speedCells = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][] parametersFD = new Double[MAXZONES][3]; /** */ static Double[][] laneData = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static String[] cellID = new String[MAXZONES]; /** */ static int numberOfCells = 0; /** */ static LinkedHashMap linkIndex = new LinkedHashMap(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap indexLink = new LinkedHashMap(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap indexStartNode = new LinkedHashMap(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap indexEndNode = new LinkedHashMap(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap nodeIndex = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap indexNode = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public static void writeInputData(NTMModel model) throws IOException { createDir(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap()); BufferedWriter data = null; boolean big = false; if (big == true) { String fileName = "/ALLTripsBigArea"; String description = "TripsBigArea"; File fileTripsBigArea = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); data = createWriter(fileTripsBigArea); data.write("Matrix Big Areas " + ", "); for (NTMNode from : model.getBigCentroids().values()) { data.write(from.getId() + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); for (NTMNode from : model.getBigCentroids().values()) { data.write(from.getId() + ", "); for (NTMNode to : model.getBigCentroids().values()) { if (model.tripDemandToUse.getTripDemandOriginToDestination(from.getId(), to.getId()) != null) { data.write(model.tripDemandToUse.getTripDemandOriginToDestination(from.getId(), to.getId()) .getNumberOfTrips() + ", "); } else { data.write("NaN " + ", "); } } data.write(" \n"); } data.close(); } String fileName = "/ALLTrips"; String description = "Trips"; File fileTrips = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); data = createWriter(fileTrips); data.write("Matrix " + ", "); for (NTMNode from : model.getCentroids().values()) { data.write(from.getId() + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); for (NTMNode from : model.getCentroids().values()) { data.write(from.getId() + ", "); for (NTMNode to : model.getCentroids().values()) { if (model.getTripDemand().getTripDemandOriginToDestination(from.getId(), to.getId()) != null) { TripInfo ti = (TripInfo) model.getTripDemand().getTripDemandOriginToDestination(from.getId(), to.getId()); data.write(ti.getNumberOfTrips() + ", "); } else { data.write("NaN " + ", "); } } data.write(" \n"); } data.close(); } // Writing output data CELLS /** * @param model NTMModel; * @param steps int; * @param MAXSTEPS int; */ public static void writeOutputDataFlowLinks(NTMModel model, int steps, int MAXSTEPS) { // for testing we open a file and write some results: // TODO testing String fileName = "/CTMCelldata"; String description = "CellData"; String DATATYPE = "cellData"; createDir(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap()); if (steps == 1) { File fileLaneLength = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataLaneLengthOut = createWriter(fileLaneLength); } writeCellInfo(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataLaneLengthOut, laneData, DATATYPE); fileName = "/CTMParametersFD"; description = "ParametersFD"; DATATYPE = "parametersFD"; if (steps == 1) { File fileLaneLength = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataParametersFDOut = createWriter(fileLaneLength); } writeCellInfo(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataParametersFDOut, parametersFD, DATATYPE); fileName = "/CTMAccumulationCells"; description = "AccumulationCells"; DATATYPE = "accumulationCells"; if (steps == 1) { File fileLaneLength = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataAccumulationCellsOut = createWriter(fileLaneLength); } writeCellInfo(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataAccumulationCellsOut, accumulationCells, DATATYPE); fileName = "/CTMSpeedCells"; description = "SpeedCells"; DATATYPE = "speedCells"; if (steps == 1) { File fileLaneLength = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataSpeedCellsOut = createWriter(fileLaneLength); } writeCellInfo(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataSpeedCellsOut, speedCells, DATATYPE); } /** * @param model NTMModel; * @param steps int; * @param MAXSTEPS int; */ public static void writeCellInfo(NTMModel model, int steps, int MAXSTEPS, String description, BufferedWriter data, Double[][] dataArray, String DATATYPE) { if (steps < MAXSTEPS) { int i = 0; int linkNumber = 0; for (LinkEdge le : model.getAreaGraph().edgeSet()) { NTMLink link = (NTMLink) le.getLink(); if (link.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.FLOW) { LinkCellTransmission ctmLink = (LinkCellTransmission) link; for (FlowCell cell : ctmLink.getCells()) { if (steps == 1) { linkIndex.put(link, i); indexLink.put(i, link); indexStartNode.put(i, (NTMNode) link.getStartNode()); indexEndNode.put(i, (NTMNode) link.getEndNode()); cellID[i] = String.valueOf(linkNumber); if (DATATYPE == "cellData") { ArrayList cellPoints = new ArrayList(); cellPoints = retrieveCellXY(ctmLink, cell, ctmLink.getCells().indexOf(cell), ctmLink.getCells().size()); Coordinate cellPoint = new Coordinate(); cellPoint = cellPoints.get(0); dataArray[i][0] = cellPoint.x; dataArray[i][1] = cellPoint.y; cellPoint = cellPoints.get(1); dataArray[i][2] = cellPoint.x; dataArray[i][3] = cellPoint.y; cellPoint = cellPoints.get(2); dataArray[i][4] = cellPoint.x; dataArray[i][5] = cellPoint.y; dataArray[i][6] = cell.getCellLength().getSI(); dataArray[i][7] = (double) cell.getNumberOfLanes(); } if (DATATYPE == "parametersFD") { dataArray[i][0] = cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getParametersFundamentalDiagram().getCapacity() .doubleValue() * 3600; dataArray[i][1] = cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getParametersFundamentalDiagram().getAccCritical().get(0); dataArray[i][2] = cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getParametersFundamentalDiagram().getAccCritical().get(1); } } if (DATATYPE == "accumulationCells") { accumulationCells[i][steps - 1] = cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getAccumulatedCars(); } if (DATATYPE == "speedCells") { if (steps > 1) { speedCells[i][steps - 1] = cell .retrieveCurrentSpeed(cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getAccumulatedCars() / cell.getCellLength().getInUnit(LengthUnit.KILOMETER)) .getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); if (speedCells[i][steps - 1] < cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getParametersFundamentalDiagram() .getFreeSpeed().getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR)) { System.out.println("SpeedLower"); } } else { speedCells[i][steps - 1] = cell.getCellBehaviourFlow().getParametersFundamentalDiagram() .getFreeSpeed().getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); } } i++; } linkNumber++; } } numberOfCells = i; } // Write data to file if (DATATYPE == "accumulationCells" || DATATYPE == "speedCells") { if (steps == MAXSTEPS - 1) { try { String textOut; // Link transmission data.write("Step: " + ", "); for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { data.write(j + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); char character = 'a'; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { if (i > 0 && (indexStartNode.get(i) != indexStartNode.get(i - 1) || indexEndNode.get(i) != indexEndNode.get(i - 1))) { character = 'a'; } data.write(description + " " + indexStartNode.get(i).getId() + "-" + indexEndNode.get(i).getId() + character + ", "); for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { if (dataArray[i][j] == null) { dataArray[i][j] = Double.NaN; } textOut = String.format("%.5f", dataArray[i][j]); data.write(textOut + ", "); } character++; data.write(" \n"); } data.close(); } catch (IOException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (DATATYPE == "parametersFD") { if (steps == 1) { try { String textOut; // Link transmission data.write("Indicators: " + ", "); data.write("Max. capacity" + ", "); data.write("Crit AccMax" + ", "); data.write("Crit AccJam" + ", "); data.write(" \n"); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { data.write(description + " " + indexLink.get(i).getId() + ", "); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (dataArray[i][j] == null) { dataArray[i][j] = Double.NaN; } textOut = String.format("%.5f", dataArray[i][j]); data.write(textOut + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); } data.close(); } catch (IOException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (DATATYPE == "cellData") { if (steps == 1) { try { String textOut; // Link transmission data.write("Indicators: " + ", "); data.write("X start " + ", "); data.write("Y start " + ", "); data.write("X end " + ", "); data.write("Y end " + ", "); data.write("X middle " + ", "); data.write("Y middle " + ", "); data.write("Cell Length" + ", "); data.write("Number of Lanes" + ", "); data.write(" \n"); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { data.write(description + " " + indexLink.get(i).getId() + ", "); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (dataArray[i][j] == null) { dataArray[i][j] = Double.NaN; } textOut = String.format("%.5f", dataArray[i][j]); data.write(textOut + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); } data.close(); } catch (IOException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } } } // AREAS /** */ static BufferedWriter dataParametersNFDOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataAccumulationNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataCongestedSpeedNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataDemandNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataSupplyNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataDeparturesNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataArrivalsNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataFluxToNeighbourNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataDemandToNeighbourNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataAccumulationToNeighbourNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataRouteFractionToNeighbourNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataDemandVersusCapacityToNeighbourNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataTimeToDestinationNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataODDeparturesNTMOut = null; /** */ static BufferedWriter dataODArrivalsNTMOut = null; static Double[] criticalCapacity = new Double[99]; /** */ static Double[][] accumulationNTM = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][] congestedSpeedNTM = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][] demandNTM = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][] routesNTM = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][] supplyNTM = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][] departuresNTM = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][] arrivalsNTM = new Double[MAXZONES][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static Double[][][] fluxToNeighbourNTM = new Double[9][9][MAXSTEPS]; /** */ static LinkedHashMap>> fluxToNeighbourNTMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap>> demandToNeighbourNTMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap>> accumulationToNeighbourNTMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap>> routeFractionToNeighbourNTMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap>> demandVersusCapacityToNeighbourNTMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap> timeToDestinationNTMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap> ODArrivalsNTMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static LinkedHashMap> ODDeparturesNTMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** */ static Double[][] parametersNFD = new Double[MAXZONES][9]; /** */ static Double[][] capSpeedRoadLengthNTM = new Double[MAXZONES][9]; static boolean startRoute = true; // Writing output data /** * @param model NTMModel; * @param steps int; * @param MAXSTEPS int; * @param arrivalsPreviousStep * @param departuresPreviousStep * @throws Exception */ public static void writeOutputDataNTM(NTMModel model, int steps, int MAXSTEPS) throws Exception { // for testing we open a file and write some results: // TODO testing createDir(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap()); String fileName = "/NTMfluxToNeighbour"; String description = "fluxes"; String DATATYPE = "fluxes"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataFluxToNeighbourNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeHashMap(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataFluxToNeighbourNTMOut, null, fluxToNeighbourNTMMap, indexNode, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMdemandToNeighbour"; description = "demandToNeighbour"; DATATYPE = "demandToNeighbour"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataDemandToNeighbourNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeHashMap(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataDemandToNeighbourNTMOut, null, demandToNeighbourNTMMap, indexNode, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMaccumulationToNeighbour"; description = "accumulationToNeighbour"; DATATYPE = "accumulationToNeighbour"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataAccumulationToNeighbourNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeHashMap(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataAccumulationToNeighbourNTMOut, null, accumulationToNeighbourNTMMap, indexNode, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMrouteFractionToNeighbour"; description = "routeFractionToNeighbour"; DATATYPE = "routeFractionToNeighbour"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataRouteFractionToNeighbourNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeHashMap(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataRouteFractionToNeighbourNTMOut, null, routeFractionToNeighbourNTMMap, indexNode, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMdemandVersusCapacityToNeighbour"; description = "demandVersusCapacity"; DATATYPE = "demandVersusCapacity"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataDemandVersusCapacityToNeighbourNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeHashMap(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataDemandVersusCapacityToNeighbourNTMOut, null, demandVersusCapacityToNeighbourNTMMap, indexNode, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMtravelTimeToDestination"; description = "timeToDestination"; DATATYPE = "travelTime"; if (steps == 1) { // File file = new File(model.getSettingsNTM().getPath() + model.getOutput() + fileName + ".txt"); // dataTimeToDestinationNTMOut = createWriter(file); } // writeHashMap(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataTimeToDestinationNTMOut, timeToDestinationNTMMap, // indexNode, // DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMdeparturesByOD"; description = "departures by OD"; DATATYPE = "departuresOD"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataODDeparturesNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeHashMap(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataODDeparturesNTMOut, ODDeparturesNTMMap, null, indexNode, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMarrivalsByOD"; description = "arrived by OD"; DATATYPE = "arrivalsOD"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataODArrivalsNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeHashMap(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataODArrivalsNTMOut, ODArrivalsNTMMap, null, indexNode, DATATYPE); fileName = "/ALLarrivals"; description = "Arrived trips"; DATATYPE = "arrivals"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataArrivalsNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeArray(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataArrivalsNTMOut, arrivalsNTM, DATATYPE); fileName = "/ALLdepartures"; description = "departed trips"; DATATYPE = "departures"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataDeparturesNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeArray(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataDeparturesNTMOut, departuresNTM, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMaccumulation"; description = "Accumulation trips"; DATATYPE = "accumulation"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataAccumulationNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeArray(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataAccumulationNTMOut, accumulationNTM, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMspeed"; description = "Congested speed"; DATATYPE = "congestedSpeed"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataCongestedSpeedNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeArray(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataCongestedSpeedNTMOut, congestedSpeedNTM, DATATYPE); fileName = "/ALLdemand"; description = "Demand trips"; DATATYPE = "demand"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataDemandNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeArray(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataDemandNTMOut, demandNTM, DATATYPE); fileName = "/ALLsupply"; description = "Supply trips"; DATATYPE = "supply"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataSupplyNTMOut = createWriter(file); } writeArray(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataSupplyNTMOut, supplyNTM, DATATYPE); fileName = "/NTMparametersNFD"; description = "Parameters NFD"; DATATYPE = "parametersNFD"; if (steps == 1) { File file = new File(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName + ".txt"); dataParametersNFDOut = createWriter(file); } writeArray(model, steps, MAXSTEPS, description, dataParametersNFDOut, parametersNFD, DATATYPE); if (steps == MAXSTEPS - 1) { NTMTestApplication.textArea.append("Finished writing data, \n"); } } // Writing output data /** * @param model NTMModel; * @param steps int; * @param pathIterator int; * @param startNode NTMNode; * @param neighbour NTMNode; * @param destination NTMNode; * @param routeI * @param MAXSTEPS int; * @throws IOException */ public static void writeOutputRoutesNTM(NTMModel model, int steps, int pathIterator, NTMNode startNode, NTMNode neighbour, NTMNode destination, int MAXSTEPS, BufferedWriter data, double oldShare, double addShare, double pathWeight) throws IOException { // for testing we open a file and write some results: // TODO testing String description = "routesNTM"; ArrayList path = new ArrayList<>(); path.add(startNode); path.add(neighbour); path.add(destination); writeRoutes(model, steps, pathIterator, MAXSTEPS, data, description, path, oldShare, addShare, pathWeight); } /** * @param model NTMModel; * @param steps int; * @param MAXSTEPS int; * @param description String; * @param data BufferedWriter; * @param dataArray ArrayList<NTMNode>; * @param DATATYPE * @throws IOException */ static void writeRoutes(NTMModel model, int steps, int pathIterator, int MAXSTEPS, BufferedWriter data, String description, ArrayList dataArray, double oldShare, double addShare, double pathWeight) throws IOException { if (description == "routesNTM") { if (steps <= MAXSTEPS - 1 && dataArray.get(2).getId().equals("C1017") && dataArray.get(0).getId().startsWith("C70")) { if (startRoute) { data.write("SimulationStep " + ", "); data.write("RouteIter " + ", "); data.write("Origin " + ", "); data.write("Neighbour " + ", "); data.write("destination " + ", "); data.write("oldShare " + ", "); data.write("added Weight " + ", "); data.write("travel Time " + ", "); data.write(" \n"); startRoute = false; } data.write(description + " " + steps + ", "); data.write(pathIterator + ", "); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { data.write(dataArray.get(j).getId() + ", "); } data.write(oldShare + ", "); data.write(addShare + ", "); data.write(pathWeight + ", "); data.write(" \n"); } } } /** * @param model NTMModel; * @param steps int; * @param MAXSTEPS int; * @param data BufferedWriter; * @param nodeDoublemap * @param intNodeMap LinkedHashMap<Integer,NTMNode>; */ static void writeHashMap(NTMModel model, int steps, int MAXSTEPS, String description, BufferedWriter data, LinkedHashMap> nodeNodeDoublemap, LinkedHashMap>> nodeNodeNodeDoublemap, LinkedHashMap intNodeMap, String DATATYPE) { if (steps < MAXSTEPS) { int i = 0; TreeSet graphVertices = new TreeSet(model.getAreaGraph().vertexSet()); for (NTMNode nodeIn : graphVertices) { BoundedNode origin = (BoundedNode) nodeIn; if (origin.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM || origin.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.CORDON) { CellBehaviour cellBehaviour = origin.getCellBehaviour(); for (TripInfoByDestination tripInfoByDestination : cellBehaviour.getTripInfoByDestinationMap().values()) { BoundedNode destination = (BoundedNode) tripInfoByDestination.getDestination(); double trips = 0; if (DATATYPE == "arrivalsOD") { trips = tripInfoByDestination.getArrivedTrips(); } else if (DATATYPE == "departuresOD") { trips = tripInfoByDestination.getDepartedTrips(); } if (trips > 0.0) { if (nodeNodeDoublemap != null) { if (nodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin) == null) { LinkedHashMap fluxMap = new LinkedHashMap(); Double[] fluxes = new Double[MAXSTEPS]; fluxes[steps - 1] = trips; fluxMap.put(destination, fluxes); nodeNodeDoublemap.put(origin, fluxMap); } else { if (nodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).get(destination) == null) { Double[] fluxes = new Double[MAXSTEPS]; fluxes[steps - 1] = trips; nodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).put(destination, fluxes); } else { Double[] fluxes = nodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).get(destination); fluxes[steps - 1] = trips; nodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).put(destination, fluxes); } } } } Set neighbours = tripInfoByDestination.getRouteFractionToNeighbours().keySet(); for (BoundedNode neighbour : neighbours) { trips = 0; if (DATATYPE == "demandVersusCapacity") { if (cellBehaviour.getBorderDemand() != null) { if (cellBehaviour.getBorderDemand().get(neighbour) != null && cellBehaviour.getBorderCapacity().get(neighbour) != null) { if (cellBehaviour.getBorderDemand().get(neighbour) .getInUnit(FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR) > 0) { trips = Math.min(1.0, cellBehaviour.getBorderCapacity().get(neighbour) .getInUnit(FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR) / cellBehaviour.getBorderDemand().get(neighbour) .getInUnit(FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR)); } } } } else if (DATATYPE == "fluxes") { trips = tripInfoByDestination.getRouteFractionToNeighbours().get(neighbour) * tripInfoByDestination.getFluxToNeighbour(); } else if (DATATYPE == "demandToNeighbour") { trips = tripInfoByDestination.getDemandToNeighbour().get(neighbour); } else if (DATATYPE == "accumulationToNeighbour") { trips = tripInfoByDestination.getAccumulatedCarsToNeighbour().get(neighbour); } else if (DATATYPE == "routeFractionToNeighbour") { trips = tripInfoByDestination.getRouteFractionToNeighbours().get(neighbour); } if (trips > 0.0) { if (nodeNodeNodeDoublemap != null) { if (nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin) == null) { LinkedHashMap> nodeFluxMap = new LinkedHashMap>(); LinkedHashMap fluxMap = new LinkedHashMap(); Double[] fluxes = new Double[MAXSTEPS]; fluxes[steps - 1] = trips; fluxMap.put(neighbour, fluxes); nodeFluxMap.put(destination, fluxMap); nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.put(origin, nodeFluxMap); } else { if (nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).get(destination) == null) { LinkedHashMap fluxMap = new LinkedHashMap(); Double[] fluxes = new Double[MAXSTEPS]; fluxes[steps - 1] = trips; fluxMap.put(neighbour, fluxes); nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).put(destination, fluxMap); } else if (nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).get(destination).get(neighbour) == null) { Double[] fluxes = new Double[MAXSTEPS]; fluxes[steps - 1] = trips; nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).get(destination).put(neighbour, fluxes); } else { Double[] fluxes = nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).get(destination).get(neighbour); fluxes[steps - 1] = trips; nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.get(origin).get(destination).put(neighbour, fluxes); } } } } } } i++; numberOfCells = i; } } } String textOut; // Write data to file if (steps == MAXSTEPS - 1) { try { if (nodeNodeDoublemap != null) { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { LinkedHashMap fluxMap = nodeNodeDoublemap.get(intNodeMap.get(i)); if (fluxMap != null) { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCells; j++) { Double[] trips = fluxMap.get(intNodeMap.get(j)); if (trips != null) { data.write( description + " " + intNodeMap.get(i).getId() + intNodeMap.get(j).getId() + ", "); for (int k = 0; k < steps; k++) { if (trips[k] == null) { trips[k] = 0.0; } textOut = String.format("%.5f", trips[k]); data.write(textOut + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); } } } } } if (nodeNodeNodeDoublemap != null) { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { LinkedHashMap> nodeFluxMap = nodeNodeNodeDoublemap.get(intNodeMap.get(i)); if (nodeFluxMap != null) { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCells; j++) { LinkedHashMap fluxMap = nodeFluxMap.get(intNodeMap.get(j)); if (fluxMap != null) { for (int k = 0; k < numberOfCells; k++) { Double[] trips = fluxMap.get(intNodeMap.get(k)); if (trips != null) { data.write(description + " " + intNodeMap.get(i).getId() + " " + intNodeMap.get(j).getId() + " " + intNodeMap.get(k).getId() + ", "); for (int l = 0; l < steps; l++) { if (trips[l] == null) { trips[l] = 0.0; } textOut = String.format("%.5f", trips[l]); data.write(textOut + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); } } } } } } } data.close(); } catch (IOException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * @param model NTMModel; * @param steps int; * @param MAXSTEPS int; * @param description String; * @param data BufferedWriter; * @param dataArray Double[][]; * @param DATATYPE String; * @throws Exception */ static void writeArray(NTMModel model, int steps, int MAXSTEPS, String description, BufferedWriter data, Double[][] dataArray, String DATATYPE) throws Exception { if (steps < MAXSTEPS) { int i = 0; TreeSet graphVertices = new TreeSet(model.getAreaGraph().vertexSet()); for (NTMNode nodeIn : graphVertices) { BoundedNode node = (BoundedNode) nodeIn; if (node.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM || node.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.CORDON) { CellBehaviour cellBehaviour = node.getCellBehaviour(); if (steps == 1) { nodeIndex.put(node, i); indexNode.put(i, node); } if (DATATYPE == "arrivals") { if (steps > 1) { dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 1] = cellBehaviour.getArrivals() + dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 2]; } else { dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 1] = cellBehaviour.getArrivals(); } } else if (DATATYPE == "departures") { dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 1] = cellBehaviour.getDepartures(); } else if (DATATYPE == "accumulation") { dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 1] = cellBehaviour.getAccumulatedCars(); } else if (DATATYPE == "congestedSpeed") { if (node.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM) { CellBehaviourNTM cellBehaviourNTM = (CellBehaviourNTM) node.getCellBehaviour(); if (steps == 1) { dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 1] = cellBehaviourNTM.getParametersNTM().getFreeSpeed().getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); } else { if (cellBehaviourNTM.getCurrentSpeed() != null) { dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 1] = cellBehaviourNTM.getCurrentSpeed().getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); } } } } else if (DATATYPE == "demand") { dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 1] = cellBehaviour.getDemand(); } else if (DATATYPE == "supply") { dataArray[nodeIndex.get(node)][steps - 1] = cellBehaviour.getSupply(); } if (DATATYPE == "parametersNFD") { if (node.getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM) { CellBehaviourNTM cellBehaviourNTM = (CellBehaviourNTM) node.getCellBehaviour(); if (steps == 1) { dataArray[i][0] = cellBehaviourNTM.getParametersNTM().getCapacity().getInUnit(FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR); dataArray[i][1] = cellBehaviourNTM.getParametersNTM().getRoadLength().getInUnit(LengthUnit.KILOMETER); dataArray[i][2] = cellBehaviourNTM.getParametersNTM().getFreeSpeed().getInUnit(SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR); dataArray[i][3] = cellBehaviourNTM.getParametersNTM().getAccCritical().get(0); dataArray[i][4] = cellBehaviourNTM.getParametersNTM().getAccCritical().get(1); dataArray[i][5] = cellBehaviourNTM.getParametersNTM().getAccCritical().get(2); /* * for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { if (dataArray[i][k] == null) { dataArray[i][k] = Double.NaN; } * } */ } } } i++; } } numberOfCells = i; } // Write data to file if (DATATYPE != "parametersNFD") { if (steps == MAXSTEPS - 1) { try { String textOut; // Link transmission data.write("Step: " + ", "); for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { data.write(j + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { data.write(description + " " + indexNode.get(i).getId() + ", "); for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { if (dataArray[i][j] == null) { dataArray[i][j] = Double.NaN; } textOut = String.format("%.5f", dataArray[i][j]); data.write(textOut + ", "); } data.write(" \n"); } data.close(); } catch (IOException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (DATATYPE == "parametersNFD") { if (steps == 1) { try { String textOut; // Link transmission data.write("Indicators: " + ", "); // here the variables start data.write("Capacity (/h) " + ", "); data.write("RoadLength (km) " + ", "); data.write("FreeSpeed (km/h)" + ", "); data.write("AccCrit maxCap " + ", "); data.write("AccCrit critical" + ", "); data.write("AccCrit gridlock" + ", "); data.write(" \n"); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { data.write(description + " " + indexNode.get(i).getId() + ", "); for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (dataArray[i][j] == null) { dataArray[i][j] = Double.NaN; } textOut = String.format("%.5f", dataArray[i][j]); data.write(textOut + ", "); } criticalCapacity[i] = dataArray[i][1] * dataArray[i][3]; data.write(" \n"); } data.close(); } catch (IOException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } } if (steps == MAXSTEPS - 1) { if (DATATYPE == "accumulation") { final TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries("Accumulation"); Second current = new Second(); String[] categoryMax = new String[99]; final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { // categoryMax[i] = Integer.toString(i); if (indexNode.get(i).getBehaviourType() == TrafficBehaviourType.NTM) { categoryMax[i] = indexNode.get(i).getId(); Double maxValue = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { if (dataArray[i][j] == null) { dataArray[i][j] = Double.NaN; } try { double value = dataArray[i][j]; maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, value); series.add(current, new Double(value)); current = (Second); } catch (SeriesException e) { System.err.println("Error adding to series"); } } dataset.addValue(maxValue, "maxDensity", categoryMax[i]); dataset.addValue(criticalCapacity[i], "criticalCapacity", categoryMax[i]); } } String fileName = "/TimeSeries.jpeg"; TimeSeriesChart.TimeSeries(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName, series); fileName = "/AccumulationChart.jpeg"; TimeSeriesChart.BarChart(model.getInputNTM().getInputMap() + model.getInputNTM().getOutputMap() + fileName, dataset); } } } /** * @param ctmLink LinkCellTransmission; * @param cell FlowCell; * @param index int; * @param totalNumberOfCells int; * @return */ static ArrayList retrieveCellXY(LinkCellTransmission ctmLink, FlowCell cell, int index, int totalNumberOfCells) { Coordinate pointA = null; Coordinate pointMiddle = null; Coordinate pointB = null; LineString line = ctmLink.getDesignLine().getLineString(); LengthIndexedLine indexedLine = new LengthIndexedLine(line); if (ctmLink.getStartNode().getPoint().getCoordinate().x == line.getCoordinates()[0].x && ctmLink.getStartNode().getPoint().getCoordinate().y == line.getCoordinates()[0].y) { pointA = indexedLine.extractPoint(line.getLength() * (index) / totalNumberOfCells); pointB = indexedLine.extractPoint(line.getLength() * (index + 1) / totalNumberOfCells); pointMiddle = indexedLine.extractPoint(line.getLength() * (index + 0.5) / totalNumberOfCells); } else { pointA = indexedLine.extractPoint(line.getLength() * (1.0 - ((index) / totalNumberOfCells))); pointB = indexedLine.extractPoint(line.getLength() * (1.0 - ((index + 1.0) / totalNumberOfCells))); pointMiddle = indexedLine.extractPoint(line.getLength() * (1.0 - ((index + 0.5) / totalNumberOfCells))); } ArrayList points = new ArrayList<>(); points.add(pointA); points.add(pointB); points.add(pointMiddle); return points; } static BufferedWriter createWriter(File file) { // if file doesnt exists, then create it BufferedWriter bWriter = null; if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } try { bWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); } catch (IOException exception1) { exception1.printStackTrace(); } return bWriter; } static File createDir(String directory) { File theDir = new File(directory); // if the directory does not exist, create it if (!theDir.exists()) { boolean result = false; try { theDir.mkdir(); result = true; } catch (SecurityException se) { // handle it } } return theDir; } }