package org.opentrafficsim.sim0mq.swing; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.naming.NamingException; import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit; import org.djunits.unit.TimeUnit; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration; import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time; import; import org.djutils.serialization.SerializationException; import org.junit.Test; import org.opentrafficsim.draw.core.OTSDrawingException; import org.opentrafficsim.sim0mq.publisher.SubscriptionHandler; import org.sim0mq.Sim0MQException; import org.sim0mq.message.Sim0MQMessage; import org.zeromq.SocketType; import org.zeromq.ZContext; import org.zeromq.ZMQ; import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException; import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.DSOLException; /** * Unit tests. This requires half of OTS in the imports because it sets up a simulation and runs that for a couple of seconds. *

* Copyright (c) 2020-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License. *

* $LastChangedDate: 2020-02-13 11:08:16 +0100 (Thu, 13 Feb 2020) $, @version $Revision: 6383 $, by $Author: pknoppers $, * @author Peter Knoppers */ public class Sim0MQPublisherTest { /** * Verify an ACK or a NACK message. * @param got byte[]; the not-yet-decoded message that is expected to decode into an ACK or a NACK * @param field5 String; expected content for the message type id field * @param field6 int; expected content for the message id field * @param expectedValue Boolean; expected Boolean value for the first payload field (field 8) * @param expectedDescription String; expected String value for the second and last payload field (field 9) * @throws Sim0MQException when that happens, this test has failed * @throws SerializationException when that happens this test has failed */ public void verifyAckNack(final byte[] got, final String field5, final int field6, final Boolean expectedValue, final String expectedDescription) throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException { Object[] objects = Sim0MQMessage.decodeToArray(got); assertEquals("Field 5 of message echos the command", field5, objects[5]); assertEquals("conversation id (field 6) matches", field6, objects[6]); assertEquals("Response has 2 field payload", 10, objects.length); assertTrue("First payload field is a boolean", objects[8] instanceof Boolean); assertEquals("First payload field has the expected value", expectedValue, objects[8]); assertTrue("Second (and last) payload field is a String", objects[9] instanceof String); if (!((String) objects[9]).startsWith(expectedDescription)) { fail("Description of ACK/NACK does not start with \"" + expectedDescription + "\" instead it contains \"" + objects[9] + "\""); } } /** * Wait for an incoming message and verify that it is an ACK or a NACK. * @param receivedMessages List<byte[]>; the list where incoming messages should appear * @param maximumSeconds double; maximum time to wait * @param field5 String; expected content for the message type id field * @param field6 int; expected content for the message id field * @param expectedValue Boolean; expected Boolean value for the first payload field (field 8) * @param expectedDescription String; expected String value for the second and last payload field (field 9) * @throws Sim0MQException when that happens, this test has failed * @throws SerializationException when that happens this test has failed * @throws InterruptedException when that happens this test has failed */ public void waitAndVerifyAckNack(final List receivedMessages, final double maximumSeconds, final String field5, final int field6, final Boolean expectedValue, final String expectedDescription) throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException, InterruptedException { waitForReceivedMessages(receivedMessages, maximumSeconds); assertEquals("Should have received one message", 1, receivedMessages.size()); verifyAckNack(receivedMessages.get(0), field5, field6, expectedValue, expectedDescription); receivedMessages.clear(); } /** * Test code. * @throws IOException if that happens uncaught; this test has failed * @throws NamingException if that happens uncaught; this test has failed * @throws SimRuntimeException if that happens uncaught; this test has failed * @throws DSOLException if that happens uncaught; this test has failed * @throws OTSDrawingException if that happens uncaught; this test has failed * @throws SerializationException if that happens uncaught; this test has failed * @throws Sim0MQException if that happens uncaught; this test has failed * @throws InterruptedException if that happens uncaught; this test has failed * @throws URISyntaxException if network.xml file not found */ @Test public void testSim0MQPublisher() throws IOException, SimRuntimeException, NamingException, DSOLException, OTSDrawingException, Sim0MQException, SerializationException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException { ZContext zContext = new ZContext(5); // 5 IO threads - how many is reasonable? It actually works with 1 IO thread. networkXML = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(URLResource.getResource("/network.xml").toURI()))); List receivedMessages = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); List synchronizedReceivedMessages = Collections.synchronizedList(receivedMessages); ReadMessageThread readMessageThread = new ReadMessageThread(zContext, synchronizedReceivedMessages); readMessageThread.start(); PublisherThread publisherThread = new PublisherThread(zContext); publisherThread.start(); ZMQ.Socket publisherControlSocket = zContext.createSocket(SocketType.PUSH); publisherControlSocket.connect("inproc://publisherControl"); int conversationId = 100; // Number the commands starting with something that is very different from 0 String badCommand = "THIS_IS_NOT_A_SUPPORTED_COMMAND"; sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", badCommand, ++conversationId)); waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, badCommand, conversationId, false, "Don't know how to handle message:"); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "SIMULATEUNTIL", ++conversationId, new Object[] { new Time(10, TimeUnit.BASE_SECOND) })); waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, "SIMULATEUNTIL", conversationId, false, "No network loaded"); badCommand = "GTUs in network|SUBSCRIBE_TO_ADD"; sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", badCommand, ++conversationId)); waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, "GTUs in network", conversationId, false, "No simulation loaded; cannot execute command GTUs in network|SUBSCRIBE_TO_ADD"); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "NEWSIMULATION", ++conversationId, networkXML, new Duration(60, DurationUnit.SECOND), Duration.ZERO, 123456L)); waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 10.0, "NEWSIMULATION", conversationId, true, "OK"); // Discover what services and commands are available sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "|GET_LIST", ++conversationId)); waitForReceivedMessages(receivedMessages, 1); assertEquals("Should have received one message", 1, receivedMessages.size()); Object[] commands = Sim0MQMessage.decodeToArray(receivedMessages.get(0)); assertTrue("message decodes into more than 8 fields", commands.length > 8); for (int index = 8; index < commands.length; index++) { receivedMessages.clear(); assertTrue("A service is identified by a String", commands[index] instanceof String); String service = (String) commands[index]; System.out.println("Service " + service); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", service + "|" + SubscriptionHandler.Command.GET_COMMANDS, ++conversationId)); waitForReceivedMessages(receivedMessages, 1.0); if (receivedMessages.size() > 0) { Object[] result = Sim0MQMessage.decodeToArray(receivedMessages.get(0)); assertTrue("result of GET_COMMANDS should be at least 8 long", result.length >= 8); for (int i = 8; i < result.length; i++) { String command = (String) result[i]; receivedMessages.clear(); // System.out.println("trying command " + service + "|" + command); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", service + "|" + command, ++conversationId)); waitForReceivedMessages(receivedMessages, 1.0); if (receivedMessages.size() > 0) { for (int ii = 8; ii < receivedMessages.size(); ii++) { System.out.println(Sim0MQMessage.print(Sim0MQMessage.decodeToArray(receivedMessages.get(ii)))); } } else { System.out.println("Received no reply"); } System.out.print(""); // Good for a breakpoint } } else { System.out.println("Received no reply to GET_COMMANDS request"); } } sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTU move|SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANGE", ++conversationId, "2", "BAD")); // Too many fields waitAndEatMessagesUntilConversationId(receivedMessages, 1.0, conversationId); waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, "GTU move", conversationId, false, "Bad address"); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTU move|SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANGE", ++conversationId)); // Too few fields waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, "GTU move", conversationId, false, "Bad address: Address for GTU Id has wrong length"); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTU move|SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANGE", ++conversationId, "NON EXISTING GTU ID")); // GTU id is not (currently) in use waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, "GTU move", conversationId, false, "No GTU with id"); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTUs in network|GET_CURRENT", ++conversationId)); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTUs in network|SUBSCRIBE_TO_ADD", ++conversationId)); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "SIMULATEUNTIL", ++conversationId, new Object[] { new Time(10, TimeUnit.BASE_SECOND) })); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTUs in network|GET_CURRENT", ++conversationId)); int conversationIdForSubscribeToAdd = ++conversationId; // We need that to unsubscribe later sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTUs in network|SUBSCRIBE_TO_ADD", conversationIdForSubscribeToAdd)); waitAndEatMessagesUntilConversationId(receivedMessages, 1.0, conversationIdForSubscribeToAdd); waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, "GTUs in network", conversationIdForSubscribeToAdd, true, "Subscription created"); int conversationIdForGTU2Move = ++conversationId; sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTU move|SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANGE", conversationIdForGTU2Move, "2")); // Subscribe to move events of GTU 2 sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "SIMULATEUNTIL", ++conversationId, new Object[] { new Time(20, TimeUnit.BASE_SECOND) })); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTUs in network|GET_CURRENT", ++conversationId)); waitAndEatMessagesUntilConversationId(receivedMessages, 1.0, conversationId); // unsubscribe from GTU ADD events using the previously saved conversationId sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTUs in network|UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_ADD", conversationIdForSubscribeToAdd)); waitAndEatMessagesUntilConversationId(receivedMessages, 1.0, conversationIdForSubscribeToAdd); waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, "GTUs in network", conversationIdForSubscribeToAdd, true, "Subscription removed"); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTU move|UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_CHANGE", conversationIdForGTU2Move, "2")); // Subscribe to move events of GTU 2 sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "SIMULATEUNTIL", ++conversationId, new Object[] { new Time(30, TimeUnit.BASE_SECOND) })); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTUs in network|GET_CURRENT", ++conversationId)); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "GTUs in network|GET_ADDRESS_META_DATA", ++conversationId)); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "SIMULATEUNTIL", ++conversationId, new Object[] { new Time(60, TimeUnit.BASE_SECOND) })); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "SIMULATEUNTIL", ++conversationId, new Object[] { new Time(70, TimeUnit.BASE_SECOND) })); waitAndEatMessagesUntilConversationId(receivedMessages, 1.0, conversationId); waitAndVerifyAckNack(receivedMessages, 1.0, "SIMULATEUNTIL", conversationId, false, "Simulation is already at end of simulation time"); sendCommand(publisherControlSocket, Sim0MQMessage.encodeUTF8(true, 0, "Master", "Slave", "DIE", ++conversationId)); System.out.println("Master has sent last command; Publisher should be busy for a while and then die"); System.out.println("Master joining publisher thread (this should block until publisher has died)"); publisherThread.join(); System.out.println("Master has joined publisher thread"); System.out.println("Master interrupts read message thread"); readMessageThread.interrupt(); System.out.println("Master has interrupted read message thread; joining ..."); readMessageThread.join(); System.out.println("Master has joined read message thread"); System.out.println("Master exits"); } /** * Wait for incoming messages up to one that has a specified conversation id, or until 1000 times time out. * @param receivedMessages List<byte[]>; the list to monitor * @param maximumSeconds double; how long to wait (in seconds) * @param conversationId int; the conversation id to wait for * @throws Sim0MQException when that happens, this test has failed * @throws SerializationException when that happens, this test has failed * @throws InterruptedException when that happens, this test has failed */ public void waitAndEatMessagesUntilConversationId(final List receivedMessages, final double maximumSeconds, final int conversationId) throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException, InterruptedException { for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 1000; attempt++) { waitForReceivedMessages(receivedMessages, 1.0); // System.out.println("attempt = " + attempt + " received " + receivedMessages.size() + " message(s)"); while (receivedMessages.size() > 1) { receivedMessages.remove(0); } if (receivedMessages.size() == 1) { Object[] objects = Sim0MQMessage.decodeToArray(receivedMessages.get(0)); if (objects[6].equals(conversationId)) { break; } receivedMessages.remove(0); } } } /** * Sleep up to 1 second waiting for at least one message to be received. * @param receivedMessages List<byte[]>; the list to monitor * @param maximumSeconds double; how long to wait (in seconds) * @throws InterruptedException when that happens uncaught; this test has failed */ static void waitForReceivedMessages(final List receivedMessages, final double maximumSeconds) throws InterruptedException { double timeWaited = 0; while (receivedMessages.size() == 0 && timeWaited < maximumSeconds) { Thread.sleep(10); timeWaited += 0.01; } } /** * Wrapper for ZMQ.Socket.send that may output some debugging information. * @param socket ZMQ.Socket; the socket to send onto * @param message byte[]; the message to transmit */ static void sendCommand(final ZMQ.Socket socket, final byte[] message) { // try // { // Object[] unpackedMessage = Sim0MQMessage.decodeToArray(message); // System.out.println("Master sending command " + unpackedMessage[5] + " conversation id " + unpackedMessage[6]); // } // catch (Sim0MQException | SerializationException e) // { // e.printStackTrace(); // } socket.send(message); } /** * Repeatedly try to read all available messages. */ static class ReadMessageThread extends Thread { /** The ZContext needed to create the socket. */ private final ZContext zContext; /** Storage for the received messages. */ private final List storage; /** * Repeatedly read all available messages. * @param zContext ZContext; the ZContext needed to create the read socket * @param storage List<String>; storage for the received messages */ ReadMessageThread(final ZContext zContext, final List storage) { this.zContext = zContext; = storage; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Read message thread starting up"); ZMQ.Socket socket = this.zContext.createSocket(SocketType.PULL); socket.setReceiveTimeOut(100); socket.bind("inproc://publisherOutput"); while (!Thread.interrupted()) { byte[][] all = readMessages(socket); for (byte[] one : all) {; } } System.out.println("Read message thread exits due to interrupt"); } } /** * Read as many messages from a ZMQ socket as are available. Do NOT block when there are no (more) messages to read. * @param socket ZMQ.Socket; the socket * @return byte[][]; the read messages */ public static byte[][] readMessages(final ZMQ.Socket socket) { List resultList = new ArrayList<>(); while (true) { byte[] message = socket.recv(); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); if (null != message) { output.append("Master received " + message.length + " byte message: "); // System.out.println(SerialDataDumper.serialDataDumper(EndianUtil.BIG_ENDIAN, message)); try { Object[] fields = Sim0MQMessage.decodeToArray(message); for (Object field : fields) { output.append("/" + field); } output.append("/"); } catch (Sim0MQException | SerializationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(output); resultList.add(message); } else { if (resultList.size() > 0) { System.out.println( "Master picked up " + resultList.size() + " message" + (resultList.size() == 1 ? "" : "s")); } break; } } return resultList.toArray(new byte[resultList.size()][]); } /** * Thread that runs a PublisherExperiment. */ static class PublisherThread extends Thread { /** Passed onto the constructor of PublisherExperimentUsingSockets. */ private final ZContext zContext; /** * Construct a new PublisherThread. * @param zContext ZContext; needed to construct the PublisherExperimentUsingSockets */ PublisherThread(final ZContext zContext) { this.zContext = zContext; } /** * Construct a new PublisherThread. */ PublisherThread() { this.zContext = new ZContext(5); } @Override public void run() { new Sim0MQPublisher(this.zContext, "publisherControl", "publisherOutput"); System.out.println("Publisher thread exits"); } } /** The test network. */ private static String networkXML; }